Prayers they work

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I just wanted to take a bit and tell you all that PRAYER does work in a very awesome way. Back in January I injured my left shoulder in a ladder fall that eventually put me out of work, as my employer could not continue to work around my work restrictions.

As of May 21, 2008 I was put on Temp Total Disability (TTD for short) So this put me on a very fixed income. My hearing aids got to such a point that I could not hear with them. I had these checked and was told that it would require an overhaul at a cost of $510.00 which we did not have.

In passing while talking with our Worship Team Leader at church telling him why I could not sing up front and center with the leaders but had to stay back on the pews. He expressed concern about my ears, and I told him that I was not able to get my hearing aids fixed.

Well one Sunday after church, I was handed an envelope that contained almost every penny that I needed to get my hearing aids fixed.

The next week I was called by a friend of mine to meet up with him, and he handed me an envelope that contained an amount that filled the need on our delinquent bills.

I am still amazed at how God answers prayer.

Don't loose heart over matters that you have prayed about, God will answer your needs.

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Great to hear that others are counting on God, we too often worry about how we will do these things. I too am guilty of worry.

Me and my wife have a prayer that we will be debt free in 5 years, to look at it on paper it seems close but God is good and he has directed us to stay on this budget and get this thing done. He will provide!!

Great to hear your story Whitetail:)

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