needing advice for nocturnal deer


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Well where shall I start? Ok I have placed a trail cam over different types of deer food ie... corn, acorn rage, and deer cain. the deer are coming to the area after dark only; lots of does, fawns, and a few nice bucks have been captured by my camera. the area i'm hunting borders state wildlife mngt land on one side and private land on the other. I'm know these deer hide-out in the state land (no pressure there)and alot of pressure on the private land(lots of shots heard during blackpowder season). I've only got 40 acres of hilly hardwood ridges to hunt on and haven't seen a deer during daylight hours since mid October. HELP!!!! what would you do????

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Mornings--you need to be set up on major trails that are leading back to bedding areas.

Evening---staging areas--areas where the deer go just prior to feeding in the early evening.

Like stated though the best time to get those big bucks out of their night time routine is during the rut when they arean't thinking with their brain. The drive to reproduce overrides common sense.

The weather here in Oklahoma has been so hot you are not the only one not seeing deer during shooting light.

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