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Guest COACH J.

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Guest COACH J.

Just a few years ago obama was being turned down for teaching jobs in chicago. Now he is the president!

Also when he ran for senate the rupublican he ran against was exspected to win by a landslide but during the campain he got in all kinds of legal trouble and that pretty much handed the seat to obama! I am a republican but you know if he would have stayed out of trouble we wouldnt even know who obama is right now!!!:mad: Instead we all know who he is! He is a muslim, baby killing, gun hating, gay right loving, socialist liberal and our President!:mad:

I dont know about yall but I dont see how anybody that claims to be a born again Christian can vote for him.

I beleive in the one true God Jesus Christ but our Pres worships Alah!

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As much as I dislike Obama, got to agree with Mike above here, we will get through this. This country has the greatest people in the world and while the judgement this go around was not so great, I still have faith in the people of this country.

On Obama's religion I wish someone would open a topic on that in the spiritual room rather than continuing to bring it up here, because I do not honestly know much about the quran and whether Obama did or did not refuse to renounce muhammad or islam. I do not think the church Obama attended nor Rev. Wright to be what I feel are a christian religion, therefore I really do not believe Obama is a true christian in the sense of what I believe in my heart is a christian, which seems kind of obvious given his view/record on the pretty well all the issues which concern morality.

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Now coach, don't hold back. Tell us what you really think. :eek:;)

Like I posted earlier, "And this too shall pass."

I Agree...it will pass.

Yeah it will pass...but so does Habenero Chili and it wont be a pleasure!:rolleyes:

The people who like the chili, but soon hate the smell in the bathroom, will blame the beans and not themselves for what they did when they ate it!

Someone crack a window for crying out loud:D

Edited by GWSmith
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Muslim? Baby Killer? Worships Allah? hmmm....not sure how you can honestly say those things. He may be a lot of things, but I don't believe he is any of those. I am not an Obama supporter, but I think it is getting a little ridiculous with the names and titles people have been giving him. He is our President for the next four years and we have to live with it.

Edited by tp793
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Guest COACH J.
Muslim? Baby Killer? Worships Allah? hmmm....not sure how you can honestly say those things. He may be a lot of things, but I don't believe he is any of those. I am not an Obama supporter, but I think it is getting a little ridiculous with the names and titles people have been giving him. He is our President for the next four years and we have to live with it.

Hmm.. Go look at the pic swamphunter posted in his thread (real pic or not?) And then tell me those things arent true!!!

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A lot of us are disgusted and sickened, but don't really think that makes it ok to loosely throw around opinions in a manner that is bashing. At this point it appears that this thread is really not accomplishing anything, venting is ok so long as it is not baseless and bashing in manner. Debate on these topics can go forward without that pointless bashing.

Obama may sign legislation to make it legal for late term or partial birth abortions, whether that makes him a baby killer is all a matter of individual opinion I guess. I am very strongly against abortion myself and have opinions on Obama's view on that topic, but do not think that warrants me publicly calling him a murderer of unborn children.

Obama is indeed liberal, the most liberal senator I can remember, but I am only 39. Socialist, well we will see about the programs he proposes and is promising.

As far as Obama's religion I already posted my opinion on that, but will elaborate a little more. Black liberation theology in my opinion is not any form of a christian denomination that has derivation from the bible. My understanding is that religion stemmed from what some may view as hatred towards white people. Some pretty scary stuff really if you take the time to research it a bit.

I am going to let this thread go for now, but if this post cannot be constructive in manner without the bashing and name calling I am going to have to close it.

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