To What Extent


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All kidding aside...

I really think that it may possibly be because they are as concerned about having thier guns taken away, or having ammunition regulated out of use by abnormally high cost, as we are.

Then what would they be able to say when they have to defend thier position in support of President Obanna:mad:

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I would give it a 0% chance. And no...I am not disarmed.

Care to elaborate on what you give 0% chance? You do not think in his first 4 year term that Obama and the liberal congress will do anything to make any changes to our second amendment rights? Have you looked at Obama and the house speakers records and have you reviewed the most recent supreme court decisions?

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I think he will start with the assualt weapons ban first. They are the easiest target because gun owners will not stand together on that issue. It was on his website about making the AWB permanent (it has been taken down now). They will also seek improvements on this ban such as no transfers, no parts, etc... to make the current owner the last owner of them. The only way someone can claim obama isn't anti gun is to ignore what he did in IL. Read about his stance on guns. Many of the points they make trying to defend his stance are "he did this in IL, but not the US Senate so it is uncertain". He even says on some of his questions that he doesn't have the votes to do some of his legislation. I find it interesting that he didn't say he didn't believe in that legislation, but he couldn't get it passed so it was not vialble. With the current election results that might have changed. Our only hope on the AWB is that repubs and the blue dog dems hold the line but it is unlikely. The supreme court will also be involved per the Heller decision to see what firearms are in "common usage". If he doesn't get it done it will not be because he doesn't want to.

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I would give it a 0% chance. And no...I am not disarmed.

0% chance? Really...

Then when any "Executive Order" or "Legislation" of any kind happens during this new administration that begins to restrict the Right to Keep and Bear Arms(including extreme taxes on ammunition or frivilous lawsuits against gun manufacturers for criminals actions).....

0% chance is then a reality you'll have to face, unlike the truth of Obanna's previous voting record, which you seemed to already have ignored like the Elephant in your livingroom!

In my circle of hunters and gun owners almost all voted more Obama though there were some exceptions. We are pretty hardcore when it comes to whitetails with bows and firearms but admittly we are not "gun nuts". Many of my friends are working class and in union jobs so that probably explains a lot.

Obviously I stand corrected...

Your not as concerned about keeping your rights as a firearms owner as most of us are. You seem to be willing to give up that right by what you've said above. In your mind those who are willing to keep that right, then actually refuse to lay down and stand for thier right to keep them, are by your definition "Gun Nuts".

When your Gun Rights are eviscerated it wont matter to've already made the decision to be willing to give them away...but for what??? What else are you willing to give away??? Personal Freedoms???

Edited by GWSmith
Added Second Quote and Commentary
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I would give it a 0% chance. And no...I am not disarmed.

And thats it huh?? That was well thought out....You have taken the time to research what his past voting record has been on the issue of the possession of firearms? Must be you don't reside in Illinois where he supported a ban on handguns.

It absolutely amazes me how any "Sportsmen for Obama" people have no idea Obama's past voting record when it comes to firearms.

Principles that Obama supports on gun issues:

Ban the sale or transfer of all forms of semi-automatic weapons.

Now, does that affect you?? Semi auto shotgun for geese maybe?? Semi auto for deer hunting?? Semi auto handgun to defend your residence from some scumbag who still possesses his semi auto because he failed to turn it in??

Take a few minutes and go here

Now give it a 0% chance... he's YOUR President.

Take 2 min and 49 secs and watch this video

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