Doe #2


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I was hunting Saturday night in a spot I had not yet hunted in the evening due to the wind. Well Saturday the wind was perfect and this doe came in with her 2 fawns from last spring. I was surprised to see them still tagging along. Usually by Nov. 8th the does have pushed them off? I figured it was going to happen any day now and why not make it happen a day or two early.:D She came in from a thicket and walked into an opening I had cleared last month. She spotted me at 15 yards and tried to smell me, but the wind was in my favor. After several minutes she put her head down and that's when I drew. As soon as I completed pulling back her head came back up looking at me. I had a straight on shot which of course is no shot at all so I had to wait. The wait seemed to be an eternity, but was likely only a couple minutes. Finally she presented me with a broadside shot and my Gator XP had some dinner. I gave her overnight since the low was in the 30's and had my son help me find her this morning. She went about 125 yards. I saw a couple small bucks as well, they were running all over acting like crazy teenagers. They were very interested in smelling my scent wafers.



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Congrats on the kill and for showing patience and not taking a marginal shot

Thanks backwoods and ohiobucks.

I thought I'd add that I just finished weighing her. I was shocked to see the scale read 190 lbs. field dressed! I knew she was big, but not that big!:eek: This is the largest doe I have ever shot.

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