Dark times...


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A lot of us have been going through dark/sad times lately, despite it being our favorite time of year. I just got back from a really great Third Day concert (if they get near you-GO!!!) and this song hit even harder in person, especially in light of losing Nick and seeing what my brothers and sisters here are going through with health and kids and jobs and everything. You are not alone, even when you think you are.

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I didn't even need to click on that one to know what song they were singing.

remember all, if God said follow me and you'll never be sick, always have money, never loose a loved one until they were 93 and they would pass in there sleep. You would always be of good spirit and sound mind, never have temptation or fight addiction.

wouldn't churches be packed to the brim. I heard this quote from a man loosing his wife to cancer, he said

" God is far more concerned with our charactor when we come out of this world than our comfort while we are in it."

God is good, all the time. and all will be revealed to us in the end.

God bless all those hurting, cling to the father and he will hold you, some of the best memories I have is when my little girls with be hurt and Daddy hold them tight and makes everything better. I can't help but feel God shares those same feeling with us.

JMO, backed by his word.

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Guest wis_rifle_hunter

amen. im also going through some sad times. my aunt just died of cancer and i just found out yesterday that both my grandpas were digenoised with cancer. atleast i have my hunting to keep my mind off everything thats going on.

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