Princess turns 6 ( Pics )


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Yep, my little girl turned 6 on Sunday, here she is opening her presents.


We headed to a indoor pool at a friends house for her B-Day party. Those kids had a blast, here are some pics of the pool



Then Cadee couldn't be outdone, so she got into the mix too. Boy does this kid ever love the water. LOL


Hope you enjoy the pics. What a great day.

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Your daughters are precious. I see the younger (can't remember her name- Cadee?) has adapted to her new home. I never saw a smile like that in the pics from China. ;)

Yep, Cadee has adapted quickly. I think having a big sister that looks like her really helped, she is doing great and boy can that kid let you know what she wants. LOL the words are coming and she knows how to use them to her benefit.

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