PA activity


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still slow in s.w. pa

still little activity here in s.w. pa wash. county bumped 1 buck on sat. that was bedded down with a doe and that was it for the whole day saw nothing else was out after work tonight as well as last night thought maybe with the colder air things would heat up not to mention the moon but again nothing. saw 4 does around 5:00 on monday night but nothing trailin behind now its supposed to warm up again guess well have to wait and see

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I live abt 45 min east of Pittsburgh Rut activity is in the seeking phase bucks are on there feet but have not seen alot of chasing going on. This morning I had a mid 140s 10 pt at 40 yards he was about 5 yard to far into cover to shoot. very nice Pa buck the farm i hunt is about 200 acres but im only permitted to hunt half of it. The 100 acres that i hunt on Had a 155 inch 11pt and a 125 inch 10 taken already this season and then i saw this big 10 this morning I have also seen several 110 to 120 inch bucks.

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Fullfan you got some good bucks there and the one you took was awesome. How much land do you keep all these deer on?

As far as activity my camera got 40 pictures of bucks between Nov 8th through end of the day Nov 15th. The entire month before that I maybe had 3 different bucks, there were about 7 different ones in these pics including some good ones. They were definitely on their feet roaming from the 8th through 15th.

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