Best Rifle For The Money


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Ther have been some good suggestions above but would like to add the Marlin XL7 at $300, it's a nice inexpensive choice too, they can be had in 25-06 Rem, 270 Win and 30-06 Sprg. I bought one in 270 and quite pleased with it.

Thats what they advertise...but finding one in a .25-06 and/or camo verison is next to imposible.

Savage guns are good shooters for the dollar...but I think I'd have to lean towards the Weatherby Vanguard as well. Black syn. stock, blued barrel for around $400 in a vari. of cal., and they shoot!

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Savage, Mossberg come to mind for budget that I have both owned and shot. If you wait until just before Xmas, you'll have a bunch of trade ins from deer season or other peoples xmas presents. Picked up a brand new Tikka T3 Hunter for under $500 last year the week before Xmas-was ordered for someone who didn't want it, and literally walked into that deal at the gun shop....Keep looking, you'll find something in your budget.

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This is from my H&R Ultra 25-06 from 150 yards using Remington 100gr. bullets. The gun goes for around $250 and the Nikon Pro Staff on top is $150. I've also heard good things about Sevens, Savage and the Mossberg 100ATR. The Rossi single can be bought for a little less than $200. If you become proficient, you only need one shot.


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...but I think I'd have to lean towards the Weatherby Vanguard as well. Black syn. stock, blued barrel for around $400 in a vari. of cal., and they shoot!

Another vote for the Vanguard. ;)

My kids both have .308 Vanbuaed Compacts. These things flat out SHOOT!!! :eek: My daughter's will go 1/2" at 100 yards. Haven't really put the boy's on serious paper yet. But he was having no trouble rocking the 300 yard steel at the recent OTPG Blast Off with it. These are real and serious hunting machines. 6 1/2 lbs. with a compact 20" barrel and will drive tacks..............the ultimate sheep rifle on a budget, as far as I'm concerned.

I'd love to see them introduced in the WSM calibers!! :D

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Rem 700 is the only way to go. It could be a sps, adl, bdl, it just doesn't get any better.


I agree, the Remington 700 ADL isnt to pricey and they are hard to top.

However, if the price is a problem ($450 for a used rifle) Id look at a Savage 110. Old ugly guns but they shoot great. Well worth every penny. The last one I had was a .270 and I picked it up for $300. Shot like a dream.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I would recommend a Savage M110 bolt action rifle... They come in various packages ranging from practical (black synthetic stock) to plush (American walnut stock, high luster blued finish) and are good shooting.

I have two (.270 Winchester for my wife, groups under 1 MOA with several factory loads; and a 7mm Remington Magnum, groups under a 1/2 MOA with Winchester 150 gr BST and Federal 160 gr NP).

The amount of "punch" of either rifle is a tremendous upgrade from the .30-30.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I really have to agree with the folks who said Savage. I have yet to see one which didn't shoot well. Their package guns are a real bargain, as you can upgrade the scope later on. The " Accu-trigger " really works well.

I have a 22-250 which is an absolute tack driver. I outfitted it with a real good 4-24x scope and it has whacked its share of groundhogs.


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I've owned a numebr of rifles over the years. My last two have been Tikka t3's and they flat out shoot. The 3006 shoots .75" groups with factory loads. I don't shoot at enough elk with it to bother handloading. My T3 in .223 that is my coyote and prairie dog weapon shoots .5" with 45 grain vmax bullets. right out of the box accuracy is a beautiful thing.


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