Thoughts on life

Guest bowhunter56

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Our lives should, and mine does, revolve around one special moment. The moment when we stand in front of the throne of God and justify our actions while living on earth. Everything else is MEANINGLESS.

While I'm doing that, people on Earth will be critiquing my life. I hope they say..............

1. "Boy, he's even good-looking when he's dead" :D:D:D

2. "What a wonderful Father he was."

3. "What a wonderful Husband he was."

4. "What a wonderful Friend he was."

5. " I think I saw him move. ":D:D:D

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Having faced my own mortality a few times over the years, I've pondered this very thing, and I've come up with, "I don't know."

I think God put us here for each other. I think we're supposed to take care of each other, so with that in mind, I would like to think my legacy would be something very similar to what Jim said, "he was a good husband, dad, friend and he did his best to educate a lot of young people all with the guidance of God's will."

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....I hope that I would leave a burning imprint and drive in my loved ones' hearts to remember to have courage, to be brave, to stand up for their beliefs, morals, and convictions.... speak up for the weak, hurting, or misunderstood.... have a brave heart to rush into a burning building to save a child, if need be.... have the guts to say "NO" while everyone else may be saying "YES".... be able to walk the "road less traveled", and choose to live their dream- and to not end up saying years later,"I wish I would have..............."

-I guess, if anything- I would hope my daughters would grow up having confidence , yet modesty...and really liking who they are-

-and my sons.....always respecting a woman, and treating her with the greatest care....

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I heard a preacher say that we all preach our own funerals by the way we live. I hope that I preach well!:D

If I could have anything said about me after I die , I would like to have someone (actually several someones) say "I am going to go to heaven because that man introduced me to Jesus"

This is a great answer. What folk think about us after we are gone really doesn't matter. What matters is did we do what we were supposed to for God.

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