whats going on in illinois?

Tim Andrus

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Tim bucks here in central Illinois are on the hunt, it is definately going from the seeking phase to the chase phase. I am seeing smaller bucks dogging does and fair bucks following does. The area I am in has way to much standing corn yet and I hear bucks grunting in the corn in the morning so they are chasing them in the corn.

Good Luck Kirk

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I'm not sure what's going on where I hunt in Montgomery county.All the does I've seen have been by themselves and the same with the bucks.Even on my trail cam picks it's more of the same.Last weekend I did see a small buck with his nose to the ground following a trail that a doe used.I would say you should hit things just about right for first gun season.

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Two weeks ago we saw about 3 or 4 shooters that we've never seen before. They were all doggin does. Last week, the corn just came down on the neighboring property and we didn't see squat!! Our trail cam picked up some nice ones with their noses to the ground. Based on moon phase calendar, gun season is the best weekend to be in the woods. Good luck!

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Tim...I just got a text from a buddy that's up there in a tree right now. This is his 1st day in a stand up there hunting in Adams Co.. He's already had a 130 class 10 pt. go through in hot pursuit and a 130 class 8 point in hot pursuit too this morning. Sounds like it's on right now.

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Saw little bucks chasin all over last weekend. Does are starting to get a little interested. The little bucks were grunting as well. You should hit it perfect here in IL Tim. This weekend will be good. Next weekend will be AWESOME I think, especially if the weather stays cool like it's supposed to this weekend. Good Luck:D!!!

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Yesterday it was awesome!!! I seen three shooters and one was fifteen yards but it was too dark to see my pins:( He was a monster and I believe its the buck a couple of my friends had seen last friday. Once I realized It was too dark to shoot I put my nikon 10x42 binocs on him and almost fell out of the stand he was so big!!! He was atleast 25 inches wide!! If he would have walked by 5 or 10 minutes sooner I would have had a shot!!

Thats huntin I guess but I will back at it at 9 till dark! Needless to say Tim its really heating up in Illinois and you might be hitting it at the peak of the rut!!

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Tim! Get over here right now! Yer missing it, Buddy! Just joking...you'll be great for shotgun season! Like Matt said, they're going haywire! The last few days have been getting better and better. The peak of the chasing phase here is supposed to be the 17th, but I think the warm weather put them off a few days, so maybe it'll be perfect for the 21-23! Hope so! There's already a TON of huge ones on the ground, but I'm sure there'll be some left ;-)

Take care, and welcome to Illinois in a few days!


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Im headed out for the 1st gun season in Illinois next week, whats the deer report for that area? anyone in the area of white county?


Tim, I also hunt White County. My Sister lives down there and she says she is seeing Bucks coming out of the woodwork while driving back and forth to work (she lives in Norris City and works in Carmi). She says the activity is just picking up the last couple of days, so hopefully it will last until next Friday. My work schedule has finally rolled around to allow me to hunt the entire 3 day first season for the first time in 5 years (i only get 1 weekend off a month), so i am psyched! There are some monsters in that part of Illinois! Good luck to you, Tim and hopefully We'll both have good news to report in about 10 days! :D;)

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Guest Rodger17

Well i hunt two parts of the state. I go to western illinois university which is up in Mcdonough County and the rut up here are just now starting to really kick in. while driving around this past week i seen two 160-170in bucks chasing pretty heavily, now where i shotgun hunt which is in my home town of harrisburg which is in saline county, it seems as though the bucks are not chasing as much down there because of the mild temperatures in the southern part of the state, but with a front that is moving in middle of next week, with temperatures dipping down in to upper 40's during the dayand middle to upper 20's during the night look for the rut to really take in effect.

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I will be heading back up to Illinois for gun season and Thanksgiving. My brother lives in Phillipstown so I will be driving right through where you will be. But I will be hunting about 2 hours north on my parents farm. Good luck and when I was up there last week the deer were just starting to chase does up at my parents place so it should be a great season!!!

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Hey crazylegz, how do you know that Roger17 is the same Roger from earlier?

Hey Tim, I wouldn't worry about things slowing down for next Friday. I'm in West central IL and from previous years I'd say the deer activity hasn't reached the peak yet. I'll bet today's cold front will really get things moving. Deer activity where I hunt has been slow up until about a week ago. I'd say the chase phase is just now starting and should continue for at least another week. As long as it stays cool and doesn't rain (snow would be great, but no rain) I'm expecting the best IL shotgun opener in years.

In the past the 1st shotgun season in IL comes right at the end of peak deer activity, with this year being a week late we're hitting it perfect!

I'll bet ya a years supply of deer sausage the my Friday morning buck (200 class) will be bigger than your (190 class).:D


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