Looky Looky what I got!!


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I got home from work today and walked up to my porch and here's a package waiting for me at the door. I immediately noticed the name as our own, VermontHunter! I ran in the house, grabbed a sharp knife and opened the package and found a bottle of Vermont Gold with a note saying, " Randy, this is a little something from BowtechTurkeyhunter". I'm not really sure why Steve had sent this but, I cannot thank either one of you enough. I will be sure to put it to good use and maybe break it open when DoubleA gets here the end of next week for his deerhunt. Again, thank you guys!! :cool:

P.S. I hope this doesn't get me in trouble with Chrud! :o:D:D


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Then I have no idea. Maybe because Randy stepped up with an awesome offer to guide a hunt for the too pointer benefit.

Would be my guess also Chris ... But to tell ya the truth Steve didn't say why and I didn't ask .. ;)

Now Randy about this nice bedding area that needs a hunter .. Uhmm well I just happen to need a treestand to sit in .. :D:D

DoubleA, is in for real time monster hunting .. :cool::)

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