SKB Double Barrel


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I have a 30 year old SKB 12 ga double barrel with 2-3/4" chambers and choked IC and M. It is marked as made for Ithaca by SKB, and is the best handling shotgun I have ever owned. It fits me perfectly and points so naturally it just feels right. I would like to do all my shotgunning with it and have questions about two modifications I have thought of. Is it possible (safe) to ask a gunsmith to bore out the chambers to 3"? Also, is it possible to add choke tubes? Help me out before I take it to a gunsmith and he looks at me like I have two heads.

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Re: SKB Double Barrel

It all depends on the barrel dimentions. If the barrel contour has enough steel left at the end of the chamber, you might get the gunsmith to ream it to 3". This usually runsabout $75. If you want a turkey gun do not get long forcing cones. If its an upland gun with some waterfowl thrown in I suggest long forcing cones. Again this is if it can be done in your barrels.

For the choke tubes, it might be possible. Probably you will not be able to use standard Rem or Win chokes. You will probably have to go with a thinwall choke. This will limit what you can do with the gun. If you want to be able to shoot steel and tungsten shot, Briley charges $500 to thread both barrels and provide 5 choke tubes. It ain't cheap.

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