Shotgun Hunting


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Well I get to finally get out the shotgun for some deer hunting in Western Minnesota this weekend. I usually hunt with a rifle in NW Minnesota, but am going to a buddies land where only shotguns are allowed. What should I know about the differences in hunting styles between the two? Anything major that I should know before heading out in the woods? I do bowhunt as well so I have that background, but have never used a shotgun for deer hunting. Any advice is appreciated!

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For starters, the range of shot. With a well sighted in shotgun, I personnally think 100 yards is about as far out as I would be comfortable shooting.

FPS is also going to be considerably less with the Shotgun. But you get to shoot through brush. A slug will just keep on flying towards the deer, regardless of small brush or twigs.

Good Luck.

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