Indiana turkey hunters.


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Re: Indiana turkey hunters.

Not good at all. For the first time, I'm eating a turkey tag. blush.gif

I took a shot at a nice gobbler with my bow on opening day and missed. Too long of a shot, too windy, too many excusses ... I just missed. confused.gif

After that, I had my Double Bull blind stolen. mad.gif

Another day, I had a bird coming my way only to find another hunter between he and I (the turkey left the field over some guy's shoulder). frown.gif

Then I spent the rest of the season sitting listening to nothing. In the last week and a half, I heard one lone gobble. crazy.gif

I'm actually glad the season is over. smirk.gif

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Re: Indiana turkey hunters.

i got lucky and harvested one 15 mins. after fly-down.......


8.5" beard

3 spurs------(2)- 3/4" and (1)- 1/2"

also my 2 brothers and dad each got one along with my two cousins...........good year for me!!!! cool.gif

-we also got 4 kills on film laugh.gif----we might burn them on DVD.... cool.gifcool.gif

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  • 11 months later...

Re: Indiana turkey hunters.

Hunted my reservation hunt at Wilow Slough. layed tag with a pair of toms most of the morning. First opportunity was blown by a coyote that ran right past them. The second chance was blown after a coupe of mushrom hunters drove their truck through the field. What knuckleheads! Oh well, I'll try some private property for the the rest of the season.

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Re: Indiana turkey hunters.


How did everybodies season go? I got lucky and shot a nice bird. laugh.gif My son didn't even get a shot. frown.gif

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Congratuations!! I am sorry your son didn't get a turkey though. I live in Northern Vanderburgh County, and we just starting to see Wild Turkeys here. About three weeks ago my Brother and I saw a Tom in full strutt trying to impress a hen turkey. I really don't hunt Turkeys as I've never really had a place to hunt them. I see tons of them in Kentucky where I Deer Hunt though during Deer Season.

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