Prayers Please


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I would like to thank all of you for your kind thoughts and prayers. Knowing that people from all over the country care about our difficulties, does help. Thank you.

It was a rough weekend and I expect it was her last one here. Last Sunday she went to church and was able to walk in on her own, with me helping to guide her, now she can't even get out of bed on her own.

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This hit me hard as well, i lost my wife to an accident several years ago. All i can do is pray for you and your family, if i can help in any way ( i mean that) let me know.

I will pray for healing as well, God is still God and miracles are common to him. Please take care of her and talk to her every minute of the day!!

God bless you all during this,


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Let me know if there is anything I can do to help! Your wife and you and your boy are in my prayers! I'm sorry I didn't post to this sooner. Your entire family is in my prayers and I will pass this along to my church prayer request. Keep your head up, and remember God doesn't give us anything we can't handle. We may not see it now, or ever for that matter. I'm deeply sorry to hear this.

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I've been wrestling with how to respond to this post for some time now .. I've come close to losing the woman I love twice, because of cardio difficulties. After a couple of open heart surgeries she's still not even close to 100%, so we live day to day as best we can.

Jeff, I don't pretend to even come close to know what you must be feeling and dealing with, but know this my friend your family is in my prayers and thoughts every day.

I wish there was more I could say to make things better ... :(:(

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