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Well, my first attempt at makin jerky turned out terrible. I don't know what happened, but what came out of that oven was nothing near jerky. Looks like I'm going to have to get my butt out there and buy all the right equipment and not try to take shortcuts. Hopefully I'll have a successful batch by the end of the week! Good thing I have about 100 more lbs of ground.....

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As a chef the biggest tip I can give you is find and use an Oven Thermometer. Never trust the dial..never!

Pre-Heat the oven to the desired temp, by the thermometer, then set your timer.

Also dont keep checking to see how things look. The resulting drop in temperature can create a disaster. Theres only one somewhat successful way to get around it...by placing some stoneware on the very bottom rack during the pre-heat. The stoneware will help retain some of the temperature you've achieved when you open the oven door. If you must take a peek at what's happening make it as quick as possible but only when using the stoneware.

Optimum situation is using an oven with a door window;)

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Alright guys, thanks for the tips! GW, I didn't think checkin on the meat would have that much of an affect, and I did check a few (too many) times.

I broke down and bought a dehydrator...I have the meat curing in the fridge now and am gonna start cookin it at around 5 today. I must say, the meat looks 1,000 times different right now than it did last time. I'll let ya know by tonight how it goes!! Thanks a bunch guys

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I know I cook up my jerky in the oven. When cooking it in the oven you are suppose to keep it at around 200* which is usually the bare minimum for most normal household ovens. You have to keep the door cracked open about an inch! That way the moisture has someplace to go. I use some of those aluminum grating things you can buy at walmart for like $0.86 each. They are so useful after the first month I had them I bought like 10 more. I use them for cooking alot of things now and cheap enough to throw them away once they look bad. So I don't know if you had the oven cracked or closed but it can make a huge difference with oven dehydrating. Then again I do my jerky outta muscle and not burger..

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