My Son Got'er Done!!


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My son, whom we call Scrappy, ended up getting his first buck today at about 2pm. Appropriately enough, this buck was also a "scrapper" having only one side of a full rack left.;) The day started out with not much promise due to blizzard-like conditions which made visibilty very limited. Heck, at this point we were just hoping to see a deer. Sat the morning and saw notta.:( Got back out around 1pm and decided to use a big ol oak tree as a windbreak to make sure we would be able to sit through the afternoon. It actually helped but not a whole lot. Wasn't 45 minutes into it that my boy started telling me that he couldn't even see 25 yards out. I was starting to tell him to just be a bit patient and the conditions might improve when I noticed movement out of the corner of my eye. I nudged Scrappy and signaled to him to look and, lo and behold, there stood a buck no more than 10 yards from us. Like a seasoned veteran he shouldered the gun, aimed, and squeezed the trigger and made a great shot. The deer jumped up into a mule kick and took off like a bandit. I looked at my boy and could see the adrenaline pumping through his veins as he stuttered- "Dadadad I shshshshottt him!!!" I said, "Yessiree! You sure did!!" After minimal tracking we came across this- DSCN0789.jpg



Ended up having 4pts on one side and the other had it broken off about 3" from the base. A true scrapper for Scrappy!!

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