Hoosier BBD!!!!


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After countless hours on stand i was finally able to connect tonight. I wasnt able to get out to the stand until about 5 this evening. As i was walking up to the stand i just started getting this good feeling coming over me. After sitting for about 20 minutes i started coughing like crazy. Im just getting over a cold so Im coughing quite a bit but i can usually control it so im not so loud. Tonight i was coughing so hard that i actually threw up a little in my mouth! I honestly thought i wasnt going to see anything after that, and not even a minute later i saw a deer coming through the woods about 50 yds away. I knew he was a good buck but i was in for a surprise when i found him. After the shot I was worried that i had missed because after the smoked cleared i didnt see him or hear him running anywhere.

After i reloaded my TC Encore, I climbed down to search for blood. When i went to where i thought he was there was no deer or blood anywhere. So i started looking around for blood or even the body. After walking about 20 yds i turned and saw him laying right where i shot him, he was further than i thought. He is an 11 pointer and he dressed out at 168. We havent seen this buck before so we know there are much bigger ones out there still.




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