McDonalds workers trained for honesty?? LMBO


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I Just went to McDonalds for a quick "snack" before I have to go back to work, :rolleyes: I ordered a 20 piece of "Chicken tails", large fry and a caramel cappuccino! :D The lady asked me if I wanted Low fat milk in my cappuccino and I started laughing hysterically! :D She didn't know what to say and started laughing as well! I said, "I don't think that's necessary!" :rolleyes::D:D Ahhh, life is good.....;):D

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I Just went to McDonalds for a quick "snack" before I have to go back to work, :rolleyes: I ordered a 20 piece of "Chicken tails", large fry and a caramel cappuccino! :D The lady asked me if I wanted Low fat milk in my cappuccino and I started laughing hysterically! :D She didn't know what to say and started laughing as well! I said, "I don't think that's necessary!" :rolleyes::D:D Ahhh, life is good.....;):D

You truely are a nut...... aren't you??? lol:p

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I have my own McD's story. When I was in high school I had a job at a pet store. We were doing yearly inventory and decided around Midnight was a good time to eat. I head off to McD's and proceed to order about $30 worth of food. It's just me and the workers and the girl asks me if that was for here or to go? I looked around and looked back at her with a big grin on my face. She chuckled when she figured it out.

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i have my own mcd's story. When i was in high school i had a job at a pet store. We were doing yearly inventory and decided around midnight was a good time to eat. I head off to mcd's and proceed to order about $30 worth of food. It's just me and the workers and the girl asks me if that was for here or to go? I looked around and looked back at her with a big grin on my face. She chuckled when she figured it out.
lmbo! :D
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Ah, my story goes back decades but I still remember it. We were returning from a high school ski trip from Mt. Snow with 2 bus loads of tired but hungry teenagers.

As as unofficial 'mayor' of the bus #1, I got every one' to put in to hit a Micky D's and get as much as we could with $5 each which was a lot back in those days (minimum wage was $1.45). We pulled over the busses, I ran to the other bus told them the offer and that it was all in or no deal as I was not taking special orders. ;)

You could get a lot for $5 back then. So, we drive the buses and park across from Micky D's we found (lot was too small we thought for buses).

I walk in by myself. I asked the girl how much a hamburger was with medium coke and small fries. I think I recall a burger was 15 cents, coke 20 and fires 20. We had 100 people on the two buses.

So, I figured 2 cokes and 2 fries and the rest to burgers to spend a full $5 per order.

So, there I am standing by myself when I ordered hundreds of burgers and dozens of drinks and fries.

The girl looked at me and was going to walk away when the manager came by and asked what was up. I told him my order and showed him the money and put it next to the register.

He must have been an "A" type personality as he was begging kids finishing their shift to stay to complete my order.

As they handed me sacks of burgers I walked out the store, across the street to the buses and back and forth several times until the order was filled.

When the order was done the manager and kid came out to see where I was going and had a big laugh as they found out not all the burgers were intended for your truly! :eek:

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