My Morning Hunt!


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I woke up, put on my scent lok, sprayed my neutralizer from head to toe, grabbed my gear and was out in my stand by 6:15am. It was damp with a nice cool breeze blowing. I could hear critters moving all around me but it wasnt light enough to see anything yet. As Im watching the eastern horizon and seeing the orange start to creep over the treetops, I heard a twig snap about 20 yards behind me. I slowly turn and see the big bruiser I've been waiting to see all season. My heart starts pounding, I swear that 15 point buck should be able to hear my heart. He is a massive buck, probably would weigh about 200 lbs. He is bigger than what I had originally thought (of course my mind could be playing tricks on me). He moves down the draw and out of my sight. I had scouted this deer and knew where he was going to come up out of the draw at. It would be 20 yards dead in front of me! Im praying for enough shooting light! It keeps getting lighter and lighter, so I figure Im good on the shooting light. I look up in front of me and THERE HE IS! He is working his way up out of the draw. I grab my bow and pull back. Im shaking and trembling all over! This is the biggest deer I have ever shot at! I put my pin on his vitals and released! ThWACK! Then all of a sudden Im hearing a song by Wilson Phillips singing "If you hold on for one more day, things will go your way" Im thinking, where is that music coming from?!? What is going on?!?! Then I was like oh great genius! That's your alarm clock, you've been asleep and now its time to get up and go to work! modify_inline.gif

Edited by cinch314
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thats funny:):) I had a similar experience today myself, except it was part real and park fake...

THis is the real part...

I went out this morning and saw a lot of movement and activity, bucks still chasing does and carrying on. I switched stands around 7:45, wasn't seeing what i had anticipated in the cut corn, so i moved to an area that had more cover and a picked bean field. Finally, for the first time this season, i lay eyes on a shooter (a shooter for me is 145 or better). i have a pic of this huge 10 pointer that i had assumed left the county or was dusted already. he was with a doe and there was nothing i could do to get him to come in, so i just sat back and watched as him and his enormous rack cruised by about 80 yds out...It was great just to see him out and about after not seeing any sign of him since early october. Got out of the stand a little after 10.

I got home and took a little cat nap before headin into work adn the next thing i know I am back out in the woods with a friend of mine i haven't talked to in 8 years and we were hunting the same area in a ground blind. Time passes by and i spot a doe running at us, and sure enough its the giant 10 pointer right on her tail. They are heading straight for the blind, and coming buddy grabs the rattling antlers, jumps out of the blind, stands as tall as he can and starts rattling, as if he were hailing a cab...I think to myself, what on earth is he doing and i start to do the quiet yell then the alarm goes off...Thank god it did, because im not sure what i would have done to that buddy of mine!!!:D:D

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