Good job PETA


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Death toll up to 17,400; overdue report describes PETA's deadliest year ever

WASHINGTON, Jan. 10 /PRNewswire-USNewswire/ -- An official report from People for The Ethical Treatment of Animals (PETA), submitted nine months after a Virginia government agency's deadline, shows that the animal rights group put to death more than 97 percent of the dogs, cats, and other pets it took in for adoption in 2006. During that year, the well-known animal rights group managed to find adoptive homes for just 12 pets. The nonprofit Center for Consumer Freedom (CCF) is calling on PETA to either end its hypocritical angel-of-death program, or stop its senseless condemnation of Americans who believe it's perfectly ethical to use animals for food, clothing, and critical medical research.

Not counting animals PETA held only temporarily in its spay-neuter program, the organization took in 3,061 "companion animals" in 2006, of which it killed 2,981. According to Virginia's Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (VDACS), the average euthanasia rate for humane societies in the state was just 34.7 percent in 2006. PETA killed 97.4 percent of the animals it took in. The organization filed its 2006 report this month, nine months after the VDACS deadline of March 31, 2007.

"Pet lovers should be outraged," said CCF Director of Research David Martosko. "There are thousands of worthwhile animal shelters that deserve Americans' support. PETA is not one of them."

In courtroom testimony last year, a PETA manager acknowledged that her organization maintains a large walk-in freezer for storing dead animals, and that PETA contracts with a Virginia cremation service to dispose of the bodies. In that trial, two PETA employees were convicted of dumping dead animals in a rural North Carolina trash dumpster.

Today in Southampton County, Virginia, another PETA employee will face felony charges in a dog-napping case. Andrea Florence Benoit Harris was arrested in late 2006 for allegedly abducting a hunting dog and attempting to transport it to PETA's Norfolk headquarters.

"PETA raised over $30 million last year," Martosko added, "and it's using that money to kill the only flesh-and-blood animals its employees actually see. The scale of PETA's hypocrisy is simply staggering."

To speak with a spokesman contact Tim Miller at 202-463-7112.


Wow, if this is for real there is going to be some major problems with them PETA people!!

People Easting Tasty Animals!!

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I would think that by now, all of us hunters should realize that PETA actually has nothing to do with animals. It's just another front organization for the lefist/socialist/communist movement. Their goal isn't to save animals (although I think a lot of people who donate believe it is), it's to attack capitalism and our American traditions.

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I would think that by now, all of us hunters should realize that PETA actually has nothing to do with animals. It's just another front organization for the lefist/socialist/communist movement. Their goal isn't to save animals (although I think a lot of people who donate believe it is), it's to attack capitalism and our American traditions.

yep. that's the way it is. and it's cheaper to kill an animal that to feed it. that way, there is more money for their anti hunting agenda. sad but true fact:o

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I don't know everything about PETA, but from what I gather

PETA finds a few extreme cases of animal cruelty and tries to make the majority suffer because of it, which is too bad.

Did you all hear about the PETA supporter that threw a bag of flower on Lindsay Lohan for wearing a fur coat? A prime example of taking things too far.

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I would think that by now, all of us hunters should realize that PETA actually has nothing to do with animals. It's just another front organization for the lefist/socialist/communist movement. Their goal isn't to save animals (although I think a lot of people who donate believe it is), it's to attack capitalism and our American traditions.

I have to agree.

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