Grandma Died This Morning.


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At roughly 5:50, on my way to the office this morning my Dad called. Granda Wanda, Mom's Mom, died early this morning. She was in her 70's and had alzheimers.

Within the last 6-months she had already forgotton pretty much everything and everyone. In the last few months she was bound to a bed (figuratively). Though its a sad loss her quality of life had slid downhill sharply. Tears will flow but she was a devout Christian so her passing was actually the best thing for her.

The next time everyone talks with the good Lord, our family would greatly appreciate the prayers.

Thanks in advance,


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Sorry about your Families loss Jeramie...but as it's been said already She's in a Better Place...that's for sure.

Our familie lost my Dad's grandma in much the same way.

In a short time we realized the relief that she was no longer in the grips of that aweful disease any longer and at home with God!

Prayers fo your Peace and Comfort;)

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