Heading out!


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In a couple of more hours, I'am fixing to hit the door at work and head for the hunting lease for about 10 days:D.

Good luck to everyone, and be safe!

No....you be safe! I know who you're camping with!!:D

Hide all your digital cameras, propane torches and Guitar Hero video games!!!


Good luck guys....kill a big 'un!

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I am right behind you. Done got groceries, everything is iced down, just gotta transfer everything over to the truck when I get home.

And for you two knuckleheads, may your rifle shoot crooked, and your scope be wobbly!!!!!!!!! Nah, in all seriuosness, good luck to everyone, and kill somethin!!!!!!!!!!!

Gator OUT!!!!

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Smoke a bigun.................Unfortunately my bigun already fell. Chased this joker all year and had 3 chances to shoot him. 1st time he was 60 yards out, 2nd he came in behind me at 25 and I couldn't get on him fast enough and he got behind some brush. 3rd time he was at 44 yards quartering.........I passed and my neighbor had setup 450 yards from me. This deer came out right in front of him at 35 and he got him. 14 points total..........


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