Holy Crap!


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I have about 200 ac. of land in NC that I have been hunting for about 6 or 7 years now. In the past hunting has been very good I have seen and taken some nice bucks, but this year is crazy. Normally by this time I have taken a nice buck and possibly a doe or two but this year it seems there are no deer. I have sat in a stand in different places for about 2 weeks and not seen a single deer. I haven't seen a doe all year! I have seen about 3 bucks and one of those was a shooter but that was in early bow season in Sept. Is anyone else experiencing this crazy season. For the past two weeks the weather has been cold a little windy but cold. Very little signs of the rut, and very little pressure. The hunters that border my land are having the same problem, no deer. Can anyone explain why you go from seeing deer year after year to nothing? I know it's not the fact we killed them all last year. I think I took 2 bucks and 2 does and that's it. This is a crazy year.

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Could be a number of things. Pressure by the surrounding hunters, different food sources, or maybe they have just been overhunted in that area and what deer are there are cautious and or nocturnal. According to our state wildlife people if there are acorns in abundance deer sightings in fields will be down, so that might be another factor to consider.

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I know up here in Manitoba the deer hunting has been completely opposite of what happened last year in many places. For instance this year I went back to an area with a few buddies that we went to last year and seen about 50 deer compared to last year where we seen one. In southern part of the province people aren't seeing deer like they did last year. I know the wolf and coyote populations are up over most o northern Manitoba and over the years there has been quite a decrease in all big game populations in most areas. Disease is also hiting some areas very hard.

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This has not been a very good year for acorns in this area. Last year there was a bumper crop but I did not find many trees dropping and the ones I did find I didn't see much deer activity. One thought is over hunting but from the people I've talked to in the immediate area are fairly selective. Maybe it's just one of those years.

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Guest swampthing

The season here in northern Maine has been very bad.This is due to the severe,harsh winter the deer had to face last year.Maine biologist are estimating a 30 to 40% loss in the deer herd because of it.I have even heard rumors of possibly shuting down deer season next year hear in Aroostook county.

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