Men's Day, Moose day!!!


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Here are some pics of our annual moose hunt in Northern Saskatchewan. We set up Mon. morning & called mon. & tues. with no response. Wends morning it was raining & cold. My buddy Al commented that it was Wendsday. I corrected him & said it was now Mensday, Mooseday & that today we were going to get a moose. We all chuckled as we weren't overly exited about getting wet yet another day.

Dad & Al got set up in their cozy, little, DRY blind, while the rest of us spread out along the trail to watch different saddles & marshes for moose or whitetail on the move. I worked my way to my favorite stump & started off with some soft bull grunts followed by a cow call. I did this 3 different times over the first half hour. Cold from standing still after the long walk in I curled myself up around my half rotten stump trying to warm up. It wasnt long before I caught myself falling a sleep! I scolded myself & reminded myself that I was hunting & there were guys depending on me. So up again with a couple of bull grunts &cowcalls. Out of no where comes a response of a bull grunting. By his grunting I knew where he would come out. I cranked my scope up to 9 & out he came 135ish yards away. No chance for a shot as he kept coming & disapeared in the thick under brush. I turned away & called up & away from me. He grunted all the way in. When his nose & antlers came through the brush & pines 15 yards in front of me I let him have it right in the chest(scope still on 9, lol). I ran through the brush about 40 yards to find him piled up & ready to expire. Thats when I started to shake. I said my thanx & headed back to pick up my Dad & buddies along the trail. Then the work started. My dad(yellow rain jacket), turned 77 years young this year. he still enjoys his life & hunting to the fullest after surving quad. bypass 25 years ago & cancer surgery 3 years ago. My other buddy Al has been in a chair since he was 18. Just an example of 2 guys that wont say quit & a true inspiration to me. Hope you enjoy the pics.












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