Got One


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Well, I finally ended my deerless streak for this year. I shot a button buck this morning about 6:45. He came in from the west and was at 60 yards and closing before I saw him. I was hunting a field edge. He was the only deer I saw this morning. I thought it was a big doe, and absolutely smoked it with my smokepole. This was also the first deer I've killed with my muzzleloader, and like I said, my first deer this year. He ran about 40 yards and piled up. Never bled, externally, but I watched him fall. It was cool to shoot one with a muzzleloader, when the smoke cleared I saw him with one shoulder broke and he was running with his tail between his legs and his nose on the ground. I knew I drilled him. I'm glad to get one on the ground, and get some venison in the freezer. He'll taste good, that's for sure.

Here's the only pic I have of him... I look enthused right??:p:D


I really was happy, I promise. Just tired from dragging him out. As soon as I shot I was as pumped as when I killed my first deer. That's why I love deer hunting. The rush is unbelievable.

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Congrats. Dragging is tiring, that's for sure.

Knight Revolution? Any problems with the trigger assembly? I bought one two years ago. Had trouble with the trigger assembly. Knight charged me $70.00 for a new one, and I had to ship them the old one back to get credit. No problems anymore and it shoots great.

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Congrats. Dragging is tiring, that's for sure.

Knight Revolution? Any problems with the trigger assembly? I bought one two years ago. Had trouble with the trigger assembly. Knight charged me $70.00 for a new one, and I had to ship them the old one back to get credit. No problems anymore and it shoots great.

Ya, it's a Knight Revolution. Dad and 4 other guys we know have the same rifle and no problems with the trigger assembly. The only problem we had was it throwing bullets, but we got that figured out by running a lube patch thru the barrel after cleaning after each shot, and lubing the bullet. Now it shoots great.

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