Mouth Diaphram calls?


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Just wondering about the Diaphram calls.

Hard learning curve?

Benifits up front seem to be handsfree and no hand movements, but what else?

What is suggested for a 1st time buyer?

(Since its not the type of call you can try out in the store before you buy.. LOL)

Do they come with vidoes or taped instructions?

Which ones do or don't?

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Re: Mouth Diaphram calls?

You can get quite a few types with instructional videos included. I use the Primos "Piggyback stacked" mouth calls and I love them.

The learning curve is a high one. If you're thinking of getting a couple, you better do it now and start practicing as much as you can before May 1st.

**CAUTION** - Do not practice in the house while the wife is home.......this has been known to lead to calls being stuffed where you don't want them.

Practice in your car on your way to work or while you're working outside.

You'll also have to trim the calls down to fit your mouth and get the proper airflow across the reeds.

Once you've mastered them they are a great tool and a lot of fun to get birds to come to. My first birds were called in using a mouth call and a slate together, which is another adavantage. You can work a mouth call along with a friction or box call and have the appearance of a couple hens together.

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Re: Mouth Diaphram calls?

Another can make ANY sound a turkey makes with them! (Well....maybe not spit & drum)

I have never had to trim them, but do as you need wink.gif

I have heard to start with a 1 or 2 reed call....I jumped in and bought a 3 reed.

One more piece of advice..........the first time you try, go outside where nobody can see you! You will be spitting all over yourself and any onlookers will be on the floor, laughing their butts off!!! grin.gif

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Re: Mouth Diaphram calls?

I would buy a single reeed call and a learning tape!And then practice practice! Then I would buy a doulbe reed and play with it till your good! Just dont give up! Keep tryin!

When callin use your jaw not your tounge the whole time! Also cutt the call to fit yourmouth!

Well all know Huntin has a big mouth so he dont have to cutt his calls! lol

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Re: Mouth Diaphram calls?

You trim to your needs, Just do not get to close to the metal part! I Just use my scissiors and Cutt them! Take as much as you need! If you have a small mouth might buy a Youth Model call!

But I always cut about a 1/8 of an inch on the side and about a 1/4 inch on the back part! Then i Chew on them and make it REALLY SOFT! Then it just fits in there how ever!

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