Interesting Opening Weekend in Wisconsin


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Well it was an interesting opening weekend here in wisconsin. My brother shot one of the nice bucks we had on camera, a nice 10-pointer, that we scored at about 132''. This was his first buck ever and it is the biggest buck we have ever taken off our property in 15 years of hunting and bigger than anything me or my dad have ever shot, it so that was pretty cool. Here are a couple pics of the buck on camera:



And here are pics of him and his buck




But that was not the end to the interesting weekend. A little backround first. A few weeks ago my dad was on his way to go bowhunting and was walking across our field when he saw two people walking across the top of the field. Now, no one has permission to be on our property except for our family and the farmer. So when this tresspasser sees my dad, he doesnt turn and run, but comes up to him and introduces himself as one of our neighbors who owns land that boarders ours. Now this guy is very friendly and we arent exactly on good terms seeing everyyear during rifle season he sits right on our line fence and shoots whatever comes out of our land. During bow season to he runs his fourwheeler up and down the fence on his side to so deer activity at that side of the property is pretty much non-existant so we dont really hunt over there.

Anyway he comes up to my dad and introduces himself and says that he walks all over the place along other peoples properties and stuff. Now my dad was mad but he didnt say anything really because this guy had his son with him who is a little mentally challenged so he kinda left it alone. So the guy asked where we were sitting for rifle season and we told him we were sitting around in various spots around the property and also someone maybe sitting in a stand that we had on some public land owned by the quarry that boarders both our lands. So the guy said ok and went on his way.

So also a few weeks ago my day starting scattering a little corn along a trial that ran across our property about 150 yards away from the boundry of our property and the property of the guy I mentioned before. So the last time my dad was in there was thursday and everything was normal. So him and I walked in and he went his way and i went mine. About ten minutes after he sat down he heard something walking so he thought it was a deer. All of a sudden here comes the same neighbor he met on our property a few weeks ago and he nearly walked right over him before my dad gave out a whistle. Well the guy jumped about ten feet in the air and at this point was about 100 yards onto our property and the first thing he says was "Randy, is that you, I thought you guys were hunting on the quarry land/" Well my dad preceded to rip him a new one and the guy stormed off. Well, after not seeing anything we both headed in and came back out around noon came back out. I walked with him to retreive his chair from the morning hunt and when we got there we saw something we hadnt seen before, a chair sitting in an area that had been cleared out about twenty yards from our corn. Now this chair hadnt been there thursday when my dad was in there so this guy didnt think that we would be hunting there and proceeded to bring in a chair, clear out an area and was going to hunt over our corn on our property. Unbelievable:eek::eek::eek:

Sorry for the long post but I thought it was an interesting story but I just cant believe some people and what they will do just to try and shoot a deer, amazing:mad:

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Guest swampthing

Time for a friendly warning then throw a tresspassing ticket his way.

He deffinatly has now respect for your father or have any type of good hunting ethics. GET RID OF HIM!!

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