1 shot 307 4/8 inches of antler!!!


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Good afternoon long time looker first time poster. Thought this was worth trying to figure ou the picture thing. Saturday of IL first shotgun season my dad hits the deer hunting lotto. Walking to his stand at first light he hears a deer get up and try to run away. Closer examine reveals a set of very nice locked bucks. One already dead from a broken neck, one still alive. My dad moves into position and finishes the deal. 1 shot 307 4/8 inches of antler dead on the ground. The buck that was still alive is a very nice 12 point. he was a 6 by 4 with two cool non-typical points coming off the inside of the rack and the bigger buck was a main frame 8 with 2 stickers off the back of the brows making him a 10. he scored 162 5/8 as a ten point and netted 155 as a typical 8. he was extremely symetrical. I had seen both deer during the archery season and would have been happy to take eiether. I called local DNR and obtained a salvage tag for the buck that was already dead. It is going to make a sweet mount.







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Not that much really b/c like you said you legally can't sell it so legally it isn't worth anything;)

Wierd b/c we just had another guy come on here a few days earlier and say that his buddy killed that other buck with a bow...funny how many stories pop up on this......

I'd be interested to see somebody post a pic of them WITH their tag on the deer and the DNR officer there......

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  hoosierhunter said:
Not that much really b/c like you said you legally can't sell it so legally it isn't worth anything;)

Wierd b/c we just had another guy come on here a few days earlier and say that his buddy killed that other buck with a bow...funny how many stories pop up on this......

I'd be interested to see somebody post a pic of them WITH their tag on the deer and the DNR officer there......

must be a different set of deer.... this set was just harvested sat. and if you look at the big 10 point you can se all the mud in his mouth from the other buck dragging him. I have a picture of the dnr tag if you are that interested.

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I agree it is bitter because the 2 deer were both great bucks that I had been watching, but man was it sweet. Something that I am sure I will never come across again. As for fair chase.... they were not in a pen so It is just natures way I guess. we know it is just blind luck to come across them while 1 is still alive, but I would def. kill the one that was still alive. plus I believe he was going to be near death anyway.

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  Rut_N_Strut said:
As for fair chase.... they were not in a pen so It is just natures way I guess.

Fair chase as in there was no way the alive deer could get away is all I'm saying. I'm not saying I wouldn't shoot it, I would, but the quality of the kill is diminished IMHO. Kind of like mounting road kill or a deer you would find while rabbit hunting or something like that.

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