Benelli Nova Quality???


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Re: Benelli Nova Quality???

I have a nova in camo, and would have bought black if I had known how easy the camo scratches off. When I'm in the woods with it I spend more time trying not to scratch the pretty camo finish. It does look really good though.

As far as the gun goes it has been flawless so far. I would however highly recomend the SVL boot pad for it. They are wanderfull and make a slug feel like low brass #6 shot.

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Re: Benelli Nova Quality???

Its a decent gun as long as it shoots where you look. If it shoots high, low, left, or right, its worthless as a wingshooting gun. If your gun does not shoot straight, and you only want it for turkey or deer, its still useful as long as you install a set of sights or a scope mount with a red dot or scope.

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Re: Benelli Nova Quality???

buy it you wont be disapointed buy it most of them shoot straight. i own a nove in thew 12 ga 3 1/2'' mag. i yet to shoot the 3 1/2s out of mainly because i dont have any and i cant find a box of 20 any wear or i would shoot them. my suggestion is take the butt plug out it the gun and replace it with a boot. the plug is hard rubber and it will kick a bit but the take down and cleaning is very quick. the berral screw cap is the only tool you will need to take it apart , it just two pins that hold the gun to gether and it comes with a set of choke tubs but ...... DO NOT USE THE FULL CHOKE WITH STEEL SHOT!!!!! GO BUY A STEEL SHOT APPROVED CHOKE ..... comp n choke or something. the gun come with a red floresent front bead and has an alingment brass bead. mine is in the camo max 4. i used it to shoot my frist blue grouse last fall

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