Obama for Sportsmen...what a joke.


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I have to beat my head with a brick everytime I read this political forum. Please explain your logic on where Obama is anti-sportman or anti-hunting. Consitantly he has said that he supports sportsman...hunting and the 2nd ammendment. Can anyone point to any anti-sportsmens policies that President elect Obama is advocating? If you haven't noticed...doesn't look like gun issues are going to be a priority for the administration....there are much bigger fish to fry and hard decisions to make over the next 4 years.

Also...I went to deer camp this weekend. We were down in Southern Il and took a number of really nice bucks in camp and a boatload of does. Were we sitting around the table Saturday night discussing politics and we figured out that of the 10 people in our cabin....9 voted for Obama. The 10th guy was 17. These are the type of hunters that I am around and that I was raised with.

If you are from Il. and have been raised with those type of hunters you must be one of those Chicago area hunters that us country folk have no use for.

Sorry, I have to stop there. I know me and I can't say anything more without getting myself banned!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

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Originally Posted by AceArcher viewpost.gif

On the gun issues....President Obama has been clear on these issues. If you say that you think he is lying then I guess you will just have to wait and see how things play out b/c the Republican party has been run out of Washington tonight.

I agree that President-elect Obama (sorry, but George W. Bush is still President for two more months) has been clear on the issue of gun control.

Let's review his voting record from his U.S. Senate tenure.

SA4615 Voted for gun owners

S397 Voted against gun manufacturers (twice)

SA1615 Voted against gun owners

SA1620 Voted against gun manufacturers

SA1623 Voted against gun manufacturers

SA1626 Voted against gun owners

SA1644 Voted against gun manufacturers

And from his time in the Illinois Legislature

SB0604 Voted against concealed carry

SB-1963 Voted against allowing someone without an FOID to possess a gun while under direct supervision of someone with an FOID

SB-356 Voted for a poorly worded bill attempting to define "junk handguns"

SB-2163 Voted against lowering the age for an FOID from 21 to 18

SB-947 Voted for additional restrictions on gun shows

HB-1096 Did not vote on a bill to legalize handgun hunting for deer

HB-515 Voted against this bill which would require that gun owners be notified if a gun they owned was the subject of a records search

HB-2576 Voted for this bill which would limit handgun purchases to 1 per month

SB-2165 Voted against this bill that would prevent prosecution for self defense use of a firearm even if said use violated local laws

By my count, that's 15 votes against the 2nd Amendment, and 1 vote for.

So, looking at his voting record, I'd say that we have a very good basis to be concerned for our Constitutional right to bear arms.

DANG IT, ACE! quit ruining this thread with mere facts....:D. just the fact that he's voted 100% of the time against guns doesn't mean he's for gun control.... :o:(:D (sorry, that's my best effort to think like a liberal.)

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Guest MIC65Frit
I don't care whose feathers I ruffle with this, as long it ain't a mod or Admins feathers:D

I have been seeing a few banners of people on here with

"Obama for sportsmen" on and truthfully it makes me sick.

People who think Obama is for Sportsmen are the same people who will help take our gun and hunting rights away by supporting BHO.

Have they forgotten "bitter people cling to guns and religion"?

Or how about he voted against EVERY piece of PRO GUN legislation that ever passed his desk. Every gun ban, every bullet ban, every confiscation scheme the libs could concoct he was there to vote YES on. Clinton, Shumer,Biden, Kennedy all of the Gun ban buddies he surrounds himself with. You are good as the people who you stay with, and I know what I think of the aforementioned Senators. Patooey!

Just watch how hard and expensive it will get for hunters and shooters in the future.

If you support BHO, you support gun bans, registration and confiscation. His history is clear on that subject. You know he is NOT from a hunting/shooting/military family, so what love does he have for people who support that?

I am not going by opinion, I am going by BHO voting record while he held public office. Thats how I judge what a candidate is made of.

At least John Kerry TRIED to gain some phony support by donning orange and a side by side. This guy BHO, made no public statements regarding support of shooting or hunting, only negative comments and we have a group of people who say

" BHO for sportsmen"

These are the hunters and shooters that just don't get it and will be dragged out by the LIBS saying" See... he is a hunter and he agrees with our stances". OR...

"Well, I don't have a AR15 or AK so I don't care, or I think hi cap mags should be banned no hunter uses them"

What a Joke.

I have 11 more years to retire, good Lord willing, and I get out of this LIBERAL cesspool state I was born in and get to a more hunter/shooter/tough on crime state...Like Texas:D

I loved it when I was there and will go back.

No matter WHO the President is...that state among others will ALWAYS be conservative.

Sorry I ranted, but it bothered me ...like broccoli gas:p.

I feel better now.

Well that just about sums it up...dittos Bro!


Mason, MI

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Guest MIC65Frit
DANG IT, ACE! quit ruining this thread with mere facts....:D. just the fact that he's voted 100% of the time against guns doesn't mean he's for gun control.... :o:(:D (sorry, that's my best effort to think like a liberal.)

That has got to be a hard thing to do :eek:..."morphing" into a liberal...let me know how that works out for you. :D

Guess you'll have to move out of that nice "red" state into a "blue" state you'll be able to enjoy an economy like ours a "microcosm " of what Liberals and Dems can do to a great state...#1 in unemployment, #1 in Jobs leaving a state, #1 in Foreclosures, and then there's the Lions 0-12!

Really let me know how that going liberal thing works out for you...I think I'll just wait and see for a few more :D

"Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery."

Winston Churchill

And my personal favorite from Churchill...

"Any man who is under 30, and is not a liberal, has not heart; and any man who is over 30, and is not a conservative, has no brains. -Sir Winston Churchill

I'm just quoting...but, it is good food for thought.


Mason, MI

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Time will tell if I am correct. I will bet my dollors that in 4 years I will still have all my guns...the same exact ammunition and still be killin big bucks.

One thing I would appreciate. Please explain what gun laws would look like if you could wipe the slate clean in this country and start again. Maybe I will start a new thread for this. I think this would be a cool exercise.

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The laws are already written. I am more worried about them being taken away, or more restrictions added to. That is what my focus is.

Ask the people of Louisiana how they felt about losing their guns.

Or again, look at what is on the table in New Jersey. How about a nice ban on semi auto shotguns? Or anything over .50 caliber..including a .54 cal muzzleloader...To deny that it is happening on a whim is uneducated. It's there, and it has been there for years. Get your head in the books for crying out loud.

My suggestion is Ace for you to stop coming up with hypothetical situations and get on the bus to keep your firearms and your right to hunt. This future administration is not something I would "bet" on. AGAIN, it is not necessarily Obama either...If you want exercises, how about exercising your right to freedom, and not falling prey to the "what if" crowd.

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Time will tell if I am correct. I will bet my dollors that in 4 years I will still have all my guns...the same exact ammunition and still be killin big bucks.

One thing I would appreciate. Please explain what gun laws would look like if you could wipe the slate clean in this country and start again. Maybe I will start a new thread for this. I think this would be a cool exercise.

That may be so but you may not have the same guns I do or the same amount of guns. If I bet you money that you will still have your guns in 4 years and nothing happens to your guns, then all I am out is money. If I win the bet, we are all out guns and the money invested in them. Most importantly, we would be out a right.

I have seen several shooting incidents in the news lately (malls, etc.). I do not think that Obama or the senate will actively go after the guns in the next 4 years - maybe when he is re-elected in 4 years and they believe they have a blank check and a mandate - but I do believe that the political players are in place when another tragic shooting occurs and the public outcry demands that the government do something about it. You may get to keep your hunting guns, but the slippery slope would begin. Remember that MLK was assasinated with a hunting rifle - a Remington Gamemaster 760 pump .30-06.

I agree that the laws are already written.

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Someone created a website...how clever!

With the exception of Native Texan...not one of you has put any thought into what entirely new firearm legislation would look like if you had your druthers.

Ace your right, I agree with Native Texan also.

Here's part of what he wrote again.

(My suggestion is Ace for you to stop coming up with hypothetical situations and get on the bus to keep your firearms and your right to hunt. This future administration is not something I would "bet" on. AGAIN, it is not necessarily Obama either...If you want exercises, how about exercising your right to freedom, and not falling prey to the "what if" crowd.)

And it's not just Obama, it's all those goofy left sided liberals.


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  • 2 weeks later...
Someone created a website...how clever!

With the exception of Native Texan...not one of you has put any thought into what entirely new firearm legislation would look like if you had your druthers.

Just the smart aleck answer I would expect. That was a straight forward question. I could not find any other web site for Sportsmen for Obama.

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