Randy Oitker Kansas Live Hunt!!


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Hey forum members here is Randys second live hunt that I am posting on here and this one could pan out to be great!!!

Randy is hunting in Hiawatha, Kansas with Jim Aller and Wolf River Outfitters ( www.wolfriveroutfitters.com)

Randy has hunted with wolf river in the past and has seen some giants but has yet to connect on one of the Kansas brutes.

Well this year might change that in a hurry!!! Randy and his dad showed up to camp late this afternoon so they did not get to hunt but they did however get to do some scouting and glassing at one of the locations they are very familiar with. I recieved a voicemail from Randy and I could tell by the excitement in his voice that they seen something good! Sure enough when I had a chance to call them back they had some pretty good news! While glassing this one area they hunt Randys dad spotted a buck coming out into the field where there was some does feeding and then a bigger one and then possibly the biggest buck they have ever seen in person!!!! When they were telling me this on the phone I could sense the excitement. So I would stay tuned to see what happens as the hunt starts bright and early tomorrow and I should have an update on their progress sometime in the morning!!


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Update! Nothing down yet but on the phone with them right now as I type and they are seeing more deer then they have ever seen in Kansas and just had about a 130 8pt run out in front of them and a few does. I told Randy everyone says good luck and he said thanks!! I will have an update tonight cause Im headed to the stand in about an hour to sit the rest of the day!


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Hello everyone,

I am Randy's mom. Ryan had Thanksgiving family to be with so I joined the forums to help keep you updated on the hunt.

This afternoon,The big one that they saw on the first day was coming out at the same place as he did before and 2 coyotes ran across the field and spooked him. Then later on another buck came out at the other end of the field and he was a definite shooter. So, tomorrow they are going to set up at the other end of the field and try to intercept one of them.

The reason they are moving from where they saw the first buck is because he is coming off of a neighboring property out into the middle of the field where there are no trees to put a stand in.

So I wish him luck and his I hope that he enjoys the gas station Thanksgiving sandwich!

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Update from last evening. Randy seen 2 giants late in the evening hunt that come out at a different spot then they were. I have not heard yet this morning how its going but as soon as I do I will fill everyone in on the details.

Hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving and maybe Randy will bring home some backstraps and a monster rack!!!


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I just received an update from Randy:

This morning they saw 2 does in the food plot and also a nice 130 8- pointer (considered a baby for the Wolf River area) that Randy passed on. Then a nearby farmer started using a track hoe and a front end loader so they are moving!

Randy really feels good about this evenings hunt. They are going to setup where they saw the second giant.

Last night they had a chance to get a better look with their binoculars of the buck that they saw their first night. They said he is a still a shooter in the 170's but he has some busted points.

Randy and cameraman dad were just eating their Thanksgiving feast while changing locations. A Chopped ham sandwich and a Coke!

I hope that he can connect soon! Thanks for all of the support from all who have taken the time from their holiday schedule to read about this hunt.


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Well Randy is having some luck seeing some good bucks but just has not had a chance to close the deal yet. This morning they seen about 6 does and down in a ditch a huge racked buck was watching the does and when they went the other direction and so did the big buck!! They are covered up in deer at wolf river and I think its just a matter of time until he knocks one down!!


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Guest wamkicker9
:D SWEET, glad to hear you had some luck. I lived up by Hiawatha and now live in manhattan and attend Kansas State University. My friends hunt in Hiawatha and one saw three different drop tine bucks two weeks ago. I am currently hunting about 2 hrs away from there and missed a huge 12 point, about a 170 class, jumped my string and my arrow went over his back. we have passed up several nice bucks this year so far and i am waiting for the big boy to come back. once again congrats.
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Randys 14 pt Kansas pics!Hey forum members here is a few pics of Randys nice buck from Kansas. I talked to him a short while ago and he said once he gets some work done arround the farm he is going to get on here and post a few responses. The buck is a main frame 10 with split g2s and has a broken g4 on the left side with and split brow tines and some trash on the bases! looks sweeeeeeeeeeet!!!! :DRyan




KS[1]. 14pt..jpg





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