Wisconsin Deer Season


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How has everyone been doing? Have you been seeing any deer? Everyone I and my family have talked have said the same thing...that they havent seen any deer. We cant find anyone who has had a good season so far. We were fortunate, my brother shot a nice 10-pointer but that was the only deer he saw, and the only ones I've seen were right away saturday morning and my dad hasnt seen any. Sat all day saturday and most of sunday and it was the fewest shots I had ever heard on opening weekend ever.

Also heard on the news today that the DNR says the harvest is down 25% so far this year. And their excuse(they always have one) that the deer had a bad winter; after saying earlier this year that herd was the biggest it had ever been and that they wanted to sell more tags. In my opinion, there is not nearly as many deer as they say there is.

Anyway, just wondering how everyone has done because, frankly it sucks in our area.

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I sat Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday morning. Number of deer I saw? ZERO! Add to that number the total deer I've seen early season bow hunting and the number is still ZERO!

Where I hunt, we've got wolves and a big coyote problem. I'm sure this combination doesn't help the deer sightings much.

Over the couple days I hunted, I don't think I even heard more than a couple dozen shots!! So I know it's not just me who wasn't seeing anything.

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Same story here....no good news. I didn't get a rifle license, but everyone I work with, friends and relatives are all barely seeing any deer.

The DNR sold all those doe tags and now say the winter kill hurt the herd...what a bunch of crap. :mad:

My buddy called our local guy and asked where all the deer were...he was told to come in to the office to see the data. jeff told him, come to my land and I'll show you there ain't any deer here!!!

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What WIS. needs is an... Emergency Spring Bear Hunt...cut the number of bears in half, shoot half the wolves, Lord knows how far off that number is(Im thinking we have twice as many as they say we do), Target the rampant road hunting that is going on here and maybe in two years we will have a deer herd. If nothing changes guys...next year will be far worse. We have only a 10% fawn survivle from spring right now..over winter most of those will be gone with the wolves..spring fawns will again be eaten by the bears..wolves will get most of what is left during summer...remember the wolves arent going to stop eating during the winter...the few deer that will be left come spring need to drop 3 sets of twins just to get us back to where we were last year.

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I have heard nothing but disappointment on another

wisconsin gun season. Guys just aren't seeing the numbers of deer they should be if there are suppose to be 1.6 million or what ever the DNR put out for there number. There were no weather factors to favor in this year but im sure the DNR will have one. Like there was to much of the states corn crop still standing or something. What is really sad is that when you stop into registration station alot of what you see being registered is yearling deer. Especially in the earn a buck units. The mature deer have become wise to what is going on in these units and are getting harder to hunt much less find. I think they need to drop the earn a buck for a year statewide and see what happens. Maybe do a every two year thing. Oh i forgot they want us to shoot every stinkin deer in this state. Its hard to shoot deer that already aint there.:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:

Edited by Big12Eric
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  Tink said:

WISC SUCKS to the roots huntign wise


Sounds like you just didnt know where to go Santa. I wouldnt say that it sucks at all when I was able to tag a 164 inch buck opening day of bow season , my grandpa got a 125 inch 10 pointer with his cross bow and then I got a decent 120 inch buck during the gun season.

My archery buck


Grandpas buck


Gun Buck



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It's good to see someone shooting bucks in the state. There are 4 deer camps by us and between all of us, I think only about 12 deer were killed. A guy down the road saw that many wolves. I have a feeling that next year is going to be way worse though. Who appoints the DNR people? They all need to be fired as the numbers of deer are now where near what they think and the predator numbers are much higher as well.

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  Tink said:
3 of usd hunted 5 days in northern Wisc and saw i deer

3000 miles trip waste of time

did find Wolf Kill on farm

WISC SUCKS to the roots huntign wise


no problem, stay down in TX ;)

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I had a good year. No doubt deer numbers are down a bit from last year but, I can't say as if it "sucked". :rolleyes:

DoubleA killed a decent 10 pointer during gun season. We saw 7 different bucks on opening day. He also shot 3 doe. I ended up killing three doe yesterday and one while doubleA was here. We took 4 bucks, 9 doe off of 120 acres. Not a bad season, just not as good as in the past.

Bottom line,.......It still beats going to work...:cool:

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I really think a lot of this is determined by where in the state you hunt. Everyone I know that hunts the northern half of the state really struggled this year. I think a lot of this is tied to the overpopulation of wolves and bears. Add to it the fact that a good chunk of the DMU's have been herd control the last couple of years and all that equals a much smaller deer population. Maybe if the DNR would count deer outside of the Madison area, they might have a clue as to how many deer there actually are in the state. Maybe the DNR will realize this after license sales drop next year.

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Our group always hunts public land in Shawano and Waupaca County. Only one deer came from Waupaca County this year. We got a total of 12 deer for the pole.

I got a doe on Monday, a half rack 4 point on Wednesday, and a nice 8 pointer on Friday that dressed out at close to 210 pounds. I has 2 very nice dagger points on it, and is already at the taxidermist.

Overall, the numbers are very low, as I think we did good because alot of big groups were not driving everything out until the second Saturday.

I keep in touch with many people in the state, and no one did good. The bow hunting really stunk, as I never saw a deer. My cousin was out almost every day, and he says he saw a grand total of 15 deer with the bow. He finally got a doe in range, and that was his deer...he usually gets a nice buck every year! The DNR needs to re-structure the hunt, as wardens up where I was hunting said the whole state will probably be earn a buck next year.


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Our season was so/so. Deer sightings are down this year for sure. I put 8 solid days in the woods and saw 27 deer with 16 of those coming on opening day. In all passed up 4 little bucks and harvested one doe for our stinking earn-a -buck program.

Total group count is 18 hunters spread over 4 areas with 4 bucks, 3 doe and 1 button buck harvested. Largest buck was 120". Many of the guys saw nothing.

DRN is blaming this and that but we truly feel it is solely the result of many seasons with the Earn-a-Buck program. It has been a real slaughter house. Really sad to see all of the doe and fawns hammered just to earn a sticker so a guy can harvest a buck. At this rate we will be lucky to see any deer within the next coupe of years. We don't have many wolves in our area and the winters have not been very harsh. Low sightings is the result of human intervention with Mother Nature. it will be real interesting to see what the final numbers are for the season and what the DNR has to say about it.

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I was looking on the DNR website earlier and in Lincoln County where I hunt, the registration numbers were down 30% from last year. And that certainly isn't from a lack of hunters in the woods. They also had an article about how bad the winter was last year and are blaming it on that. Maybe it's time to start hunting out of state.

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While I saw more deer this gun season than I have in the past, that's not really saying much. I didn't see a deer until Sunday of opening weekend. I saw 2 bucks all season,a small 7 pointer and small 8 pointer. I saw about 6 does all season as well.

I don't think there are as many deer as they "estimate." I also firmly believe that the bear and wolf problem does exsist south of Hwy. 8, even though the DNR won't admit it.

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Grammer police are out in force

  unioncountyslayer said:
Does it suck as bad as your typing and grammer skills. :eek: Wow. You gotta lot to learn about how we do things in here. I don't care who you are.
_______________________________________________Well considering I am 68, worn out and broken down, can't see well,( very small type here at Realtree Forums) have thick fingers with arthritis that just don't type well, two steel plates and and seven screws in my right ankle , still have a broken back from a Military parachute jump, and been to two goat roping's and a Rodeo. I survived a plane crash, a shooting, a few elephant and a few more buffalo & hippo charges, I Once won the North Carolina's Bowhuntign Championship at Union Grove ( Something )in NC when I was the guest Speaker there. IF YOU DON'T LIKE MY POSTS, SIR, PUT ME ON YOUR IGNORE LIST AND JUST HIT DELETE WHEN YOU SEE MY POST OK? HAPPY TRAILS TO YOU, UNTIL WE MEET AGAIN ps I am a Life Member of the Wake Country Wildlife club.I think I am doing just fine Sir.



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I would say your doing pretty darn good at 68 years old, I hope I will be able to do the things you do at your age, I'm only 40 and I know one thing, I can't hunt the same way I used to when I was 20.

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  Tink said:

Well considering I am 68, worn out and broken down, can't see well,( very small type here at Realtree Forums) have thick fingers with arthritis that just don't type well, two steel plates and and seven screws in my right ankle , still have a broken back from a Military parachute jump, and been to two goat roping's and a Rodeo.

I survived a plane crash, a shooting, a few elephant and a few more buffalo & hippo charges,

I Once won the North Carolina's Bowhuntign Championship at Union Grove ( Something )in NC when I was the guest Speaker there.



ps I am a Life Member of the Wake Country Wildlife club.

I think I am doing just fine Sir.

Exactly the reply I expected. You missed the whole point to my post. :rolleyes: But thanks for all the accolades.

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