Wisconsin Deer Season


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Hunting only Oconto County, Unit 51B, we had a below average year for sure. Dad saw one deer for the season but only hunted hard opening weekend. He shot the one deer, a two year old 8 pt, the first Sunday around 4pm. That was the only buck sighted on our 100 acres. I saw 12 antlerless for the whole season and shot a doe with my pistol on Friday afternoon. That was it. We hunt farm country and have been managing with our neighbors since 1999. Dad gets to shoot what he wants though:rolleyes:. I saw two coyotes opening weekend and missed one of them with my muzzleloader. We also had a bunch of reports of a lot of bear coming out of the corn fields when the combines fired up.

Would be a lot of fun if we could get the now retired Keith McCaffery and Tom Bahti from the WDNR to "educate" all us dumbies about deer management and deer ecology. Can't wait until the Wisconsin Deer Classic in Green Bay this February when the WDNR booth is taking questions:D

But in our defense, I've been told by a lot of hunters over the years that of all the different states they hunt, Wisconsin deer are the hardest and smartest deer to hunt. I always forget to ask them before I shoot:D

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Didn't have the greatest season either, only saw 2, with no shots. Too see what I am talking about-check out the USE Binoculars thread. In addition, they added longer seasons in the CWD zones where I hunt close to home (momma is expecting #2, so if I hunt close to home, I can go out more), so that means I have to choose between deer and pheasants-and I love hunting birds with dogs...In all, the longer seasons and timing of them has alot screwed up on public land-i.e.-4 day anterless on opening day of pheasant, "holiday deer season" during the last week of pheasant, added pressure on public, and non-existant access to private land so far. Oh well, it won't keep me from trying, good luck to all.

P.S.-Tink, thank you for your continued support of us,

SSG Eric Winter, USA

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Tink, it’s pretty insulting to me and others that you would insult the entire state just from one trip that you took up here. There is a pretty strong rule on bashing here in the forums and I’m pretty sure that will include locations of hunting. When you say that WI hunting sucks, it just starts problems in here and thats not what Realtree forums is all about. So if you cant respect others and where they hunt maybe you should join up on mossy oak or something.


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  Tink said:
3 of usd hunted 5 days in northern Wisc and saw i deer

3000 miles trip waste of time

did find Wolf Kill on farm

WISC SUCKS to the roots huntign wise


Tink, it’s pretty insulting to me and others that you would insult the entire state just from one trip that you took up here. There is a pretty strong rule on bashing here in the forums and I’m pretty sure that will include locations of hunting. When you say that WI hunting sucks, it just starts problems in here and thats not what Realtree forums is all about. So if you cant respect others and where they hunt maybe you should join up on mossy oak or something.


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  slughunter said:
Tink, it’s pretty insulting to me and others that you would insult the entire state just from one trip that you took up here. There is a pretty strong rule on bashing here in the forums and I’m pretty sure that will include locations of hunting. When you say that WI hunting sucks, it just starts problems in here and thats not what Realtree forums is all about. So if you cant respect others and where they hunt maybe you should join up on mossy oak or something.


Right on Shane!

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  slughunter said:
Tink, it’s pretty insulting to me and others that you would insult the entire state just from one trip that you took up here. There is a pretty strong rule on bashing here in the forums and I’m pretty sure that will include locations of hunting. When you say that WI hunting sucks, it just starts problems in here and thats not what Realtree forums is all about. So if you cant respect others and where they hunt maybe you should join up on mossy oak or something.


Right on, Shane!

This season has been great to us. I shot my biggest buck with a bow and had one of my best seasons for bowhunting. The deer numbers are lower than what the DNR says, but we saw quite a few deer during the bow season. In fact, my brother and I have taken a total of three deer off our land this year. It has easily been one of our best years.

Here are a couple pictures of my bowkill. The buck was shot on November 8, 2008 in Langlade County, Wisconsin. His green P&Y was 121 3/8 Gross and 117 5/8 Net. He was probably 200 pounds dressed and 235-250 live weight. Huge body whitetail.



  bulldawg said:
...as wardens up where I was hunting said the whole state will probably be earn a buck next year.


I don't think that is possible. I'm not 100% sure, but I know in that past that a unit had to be classified as "Herd Control" (or T-Zone back then) for two years before it could qualify for EAB. I hunt in 43 and we've never been close to being an EAB.

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Apologies to Wisc Sportsmen

Yes I am new I didn't know a negative hunting report was bashing but i will accept it.

I thought bashing was an attack on a person or a firm like an Outfitter, lodge, bow, guide, and the like.

I didn't know that when effects of baiting EHD, wolves bears, "earn a Buck mis- management " resulted in a drastic drop in deer harvest,:( was a bashing.

I apologize.


Won't do it again.

Was not talking ill about you folks... Just the reported lack of deer

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I think that most of us from WI will agree that the deer numbers are down. I would also imagine that most of us agree that the WDNR has made mistakes in their managemant plans. The bottom line is, this is our State and we deal with what we are dealt. Some years are worse than others and some are far better. I understand you were not talking about us as hunters but to say that our hunting sucks is a bit "out of order". I accept your apology as you are new here and still learning the ropes. One thing that I've learned from the forum is people can't hear you talking and using expression when you type. You need to be careful in the words you chose to use. No hard feelings,....;)

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  Randy said:
I think that most of us from WI will agree that the deer numbers are down. I would also imagine that most of us agree that the WDNR has made mistakes in their managemant plans. The bottom line is, this is our State and we deal with what we are dealt. Some years are worse than others and some are far better. I understand you were not talking about us as hunters but to say that our hunting sucks is a bit "out of order". I accept your apology as you are new here and still learning the ropes. One thing that I've learned from the forum is people can't hear you talking and using expression when you type. You need to be careful in the words you chose to use. No hard feelings,....;)

Well worded Randy, could put it any better than that.


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  Tink said:
Yes I am new I didn't know a negative hunting report was bashing but i will accept it.

Reports about a hunting trip that didn't live up to your expectations is fine. Saying this...

  Tink said:
3000 miles trip waste of time

WISC SUCKS to the roots huntign wise

...isn't necessary. I consider it a major slap in the face to all the people who spend time enjoying Wisconsin's outdoors every year. Wisconsin is one of the best states in the US for whitetail hunting. The P&Y and B&C record books reflect that. Many pros have said that hunting whitetails in Wisconsin is possibly the toughest hunt in the US. Each year many hunters don't see many deer and go home empty handed. I have never heard any of these unsuccessful hunters say "Wisconsin sucks" after an unsuccessful hunt.

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There's no doubt that we live in one of the best states as far as outdoor resources in concerned. I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I read this morning on the DNR website that the deer kill was down 20% from last year. Pretty much every area was down except the south central which was slightly up. They attribute this to a harsh winter last year and that culling the doe population is helping. I think we need to start administering drug tests to these fine folks. The winter's over the last few years have been fairly tame. I really think they fail to realize what the predator population has done to deer hunting especially up north. I hunt in Lincoln county which registered 30% fewer deer from last year. That is an incredibly large difference. Ultimately if they don't figure out something, license sales are going to drop and getting young people envolved is going to suffer as well. I don't know many kids who can sit in a stand all day and not see anything. Anyone know when the DNR meetings begin? I might find myself at a few of them this year.

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While many are blaming many years of EAB and or T-zone hunts for the low deer sightings. There is another reason that no one here has touched on. Baiting makes deer very nocturnal as they do not have to range for food. Also the extra activity on public land of "hunters" establishing their golden scrapes just as the bucks start cruising shuts things down.Baiting disrupts daytime movement as deer know when to hit the bait pile,and know it will always be there. Not to mention the negative health effects of baiting. If you that bait get mad at me for posting this. Try hunting with out it for awhile and see what I mean.

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Hey slughunter i think Tink has every right to bash Wisconsin if he wants. I live in this state, bow and gun hunt and i bashed it myself. I think this state has the worst DNR in the country. They have people in these jobs that got there because of political reason not because they wanted to really help the sportsman out. They are slaughtering these deer because of big name auto insurance companies and agencies alike. Explain to me how the state wants to have a herd goal at around 700,000 thousand or so deer and there are over 600,000 thousand gun tags sold. If everyone of those gun hunters shoots a deer there won't be any left. This state is a joke when it comes to trying to manage its animal herds. They were way high on deer numbers and way low on bear numbers. Somebody doesn't know what they are doing. And its these people who are in charge. Not saying its an easy job by no means, but these people don't seem to know which way is up. First deer, then bear and whats next. Tink i wish you had better luck, my gun season was terrible as it has been for so many years i can't remember. Lets go hunt Texas somewhere. At least we will see some deer.

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