Rifle action ID


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I purchased this rifle a few years ago because I didn't have a .243 and it was the right price;).

I always thought that it was based on a Mauser action, but now the more I look at it, I think this could this be based on a Enfield action? After all, this rifle was made in England.

There are proof marks all over it.

Any help/info appreciated.










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Sure looks like a mauser action. The Alpine Bolt Action Rifle was made by Firearms Co. Ltd. in England and was imported by Mandall Shooting Supplies in the ref. I have dated 1978 (Gun Digest). Listed at $224.95 way back then. For ref. the rem.700 adl was 229 and bdl was 259. And that's all I know about that.

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Yes Handgunner that is the rifle!

It does say it is on a FN action. Thanks!

It has a nice looking stock and is fairly accurate too. Its not a MOA gun, but it keeps them in a coffee cup.

I got it with a Weaver V7 in 2.5-7X. for $200. Good deal.

I lent it to my cousins boyfriend and he brought me back a broken scope. He had to have caught something as he was pulling up the tree:rolleyes:, but he don't know what happened. No more loaning guns with scopes. Scope has to get reapired.


Thanks everyone for all your help!


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