deer and hedge apples?


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Hey everyone!!

i was just wondering if any of you have noticed deer eating hedge apples u know the big green ones a little bigger than a softball?

i came home last night and saw 4 does over by a bunch of hedge apples.... idk idf they were eating them or not but i was just wondering what you guys think?

do they eat hedge apples??

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I watched three deer feeding under a hedge apple tree. However, they were not eating the fruit. They were chomping down on the leaves as they were falling. All three would look up and wait for a leaf to fall. When one did, it was a race to see who could get there first. I never imagined deer ate falling leaves. But after wathing them for nearly an hour, I am a believer now.

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I have never seen them eat them? But, the hedge apples have scared the bejeezsus out me on several occasions while sitting in my treestand. The woods are quiet, the air is crisp, and all of the sudden "boom!" Cuz they sound like a bomb going off when they fall and hit the ground! Dag nabbit....dang hedge apple got me again!

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