Cable Slides


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For those that have been bow hunting long. Have you, or how often have you changed your cable slide?

Four years ago, I put on a Sims Cable Slide. I just noticed that it looks like it starting to get a little egg shape around the shaft that holds it. I also noticed that this is allowing the cables to come very close to my vanes. I know they are not touching. Arrows are like darts. I just got a new one, just a question I wanted to throw out. This looks like a good area for those who have vane contact while they are shooting.

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I just use a plain teflon cable slide and for the money it gets changed once a year .. ;)

See this is what I need to know! After I switched to Blazers, I noticed it right away but it just seems that the vanes are getting closer. I am sure that a new slide will do the trick.

Maybe I should change the slide when I change the string and cable?

Thank you Luke! :cool:;):cool:

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First off, sorry about no replies. It is the holidays and most of us have been out of town. One thing stands out with your delima on vane clearnace and that is you using blazers, they are higher profile and will be closer to your cables as they are with mine. As for the cable slide, to be honest I have never replaced one unless it broke, the last bow I had was nine years old and still had the original on it. Teflon slides do wear a bit but not enough to be noticed especially since most bow manufaturers have gone to the graphite slide rods.

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No need to apologize shooter! Mine is a little egg shaped, been shooting it hard for since I owned it, four years. I just figured since it is sliding back and forth on every shot that maybe it needs to be replaced once and a while. We replace the strings and cables every 1-2 years, just got to think about that piece that holds the cables. Even though I wax everything, I thought something has to wear.

I took off the original slide just weeks after I got the bow. I still have it just in case something goes awry. Now you got me wondering if I should have just left the original one on the bow.

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