Lapping question


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Do you have actual scratches or is it leading in the barrel? I would have a hard time believing the soft lead slugs would mar a smooth bore barrel.

Brownells offers a barrel bore hone for polishing the bore of a shotgun barrel.

These work really well but as with any abrasive, caution must be used to prevent further damage.


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Do you have actual scratches or is it leading in the barrel? I would have a hard time believing the soft lead slugs would mar a smooth bore barrel.

Brownells offers a barrel bore hone for polishing the bore of a shotgun barrel.

These work really well but as with any abrasive, caution must be used to prevent further damage.


Interesting site, I marked it to check it out in further detail later.

I use the bore snake on my shot gun and ML and like the results I get from that device.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for not getting back in here sooner - school comes first, and finals are next week.

I've got to thank you guys for your input. Hangunnr and Flintlock were on the mark. I use some solvent for lead fouling on a brass brush, and voila! no more "scratches".:D And after all those YEARS of being in the barrel.:) Maybe I should use the stuff more often - at least once a year.:o

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