.....Quitter Update....!!!!!!


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It's been two weeks now. How are you doing Matt???

I'm Skoal Free........pretty sure it's gone for good.

I have on occasion had to mooch a cig from someone at work. It's OK.............you see I'm the Boss so if they don't give me one I just fire them.

And there was that thing last Sunday Afternoon......................................

I picked up a Garcia Vega at the Store after church . I LOVE a good cigar. The weather was spectacular............65-- light breeze --full sunshine. I took my Garcia Vega and a lighter and slipped out behind the house to the 14th Fairway. Where I proceeded to lay on the ground and enjoy my cigar................heaven. The art of Making Love to a cigar has fallen by the wayside. It is something I intend to do a little more often.

Yeah I know it's cheating.......................but it isn't SKOAL..........................:D

Edited by jjl7913
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Why did you have to go and put it that way? ......:(

I've always liked those kind of girls..........:D

We'll be OK. It's only temporary. My wife and family hate it when I smell like smoke, and they're sure to remind me. I don't much care for it myself.

I got faith in you, friend...:)

I 've always liked those kind of girls, too! :D

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  • 1 month later...

Thank-You for your concern RC.

Suffice it to say, " the mind is strong, but the body is weak."

I actually made it about 5-6 weeks snitching a few smokes now and again. No Skoal at all. I ran into my doctor, who I hadn't seen for a while, at church one Sat. morning. He proceeded to give me the third degree about my health. Told him that I had quit chewing Skoal, he advised me that I might want to start again. His professional eye sensed something was amiss and we discussed the situation. The added stress of quitting combined with everything else was having an adverse effect on my being. I had gone from my healthy weight of 180-185 down to 165 and dark circles lined my eyes, groggy, weak and irritable is just not my normal nature.

So with his blessing I bought a can of Skoal. It will be in moderation this time. Hopefully come Summer we'll try again. It's EXTREMELY hard for me, but it needs to get done. Just not right now...........;).

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