Bucks in Review.


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Hello all,

I'm setting here bored w/out a working camera (got dropped) to go out & get any more pics.. so, I thought I would re-post some of my favorite bucks from the years past. I know most of these SUCK & are out of focus.. sorry.:o

I'm looking to get a new camera here in the next few days & was looking at the FujiFilm FinePix S100FS, the reviews I've been reading seem to give it high marks & say it has good low light abilities. Opinions?

Anyway, here's the pics.. Enjoy, Phil B.

Big 10 in velvet from this past summer.


Here's an old gray faced 12 point from a few years ago.. he had awesome split brow tines.


This is one of the biggest 8 points I've ever seen on the hoof.. WOW!





Here's a nice 10 point I caught sneaking along the river in some thick brush a few years back, nice.


Here is thew one that got away.. I chased this big 8 point for 4 years & never did harvest him.. He was found dead a couple of years ago in a pond (so I was told) still in velvet, I never did see him again!?


This is the first & last time I ever saw this nice looking young 8 point, I'll bet he grew up to be a monster!


You don't see bucks like this every day.. this is one of the widest bucks I've seen on the hoof.



Of all of the pictures I've taken of deer, this is by far my favorite.. I call this one "Standing Guard." My dad & I were making the rounds looking for any big bucks chasing does (rut was in full swing) & spotted this buck about a 1/4 mile off the main highway.We went back to this same location the next day & got to watch him "mount" her three times.. so, there should be some of his young running around somewhere!


Here are a few bucks in velvet from this past summer.


Here's another dandy from this past summer about to shed his velvet.



Here's a nice buck that was out running does during the rut a couple of years ago.


Nice buck standing in the morning sun.


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