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48 tablespoons make 4 cups of coffee............can you do without one?

$48 in your pocket.................can you spare one?

48 pieces of gum..........can you share one?

24 hours in a day, 48.... 1/2 hours.............can you spare 30 minutes?

My point is this.......................................

Spend 1/2 an hour each day praying. It's really not that much. 1 half hour prayer............6 five minute prayers............10 three minute prayers.

You will be rewarded ten-fold. Prayer is our life line to God. If you are looking for answers, yet not asking God the questions, you are probably being dissappointed.

Take 30 minutes...............1/48th of your day and talk to God.

You'll be amazed at the results. He really does Love you, and wants to help. Don't forget to open your eyes in order to see his reply. You might not understand it at first..........but you will.

His will be done...........


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