yesterdays hunt


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had to share yesterdays hunt with y'all.....short and sweet and to the point version though, lol.....went hog/dog hunting with 2 friends, we got to the hog, he snatched it up and i stuck it, my first knife was amazing to watch the dogs work, they did great.....todays hunt, well, lets just say "MOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO', lol......all the way out to the river and back because they got on a cow, in all, i had a blast

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Re: yesterdays hunt

Nice hog indeed...I am buddy raises American Bulldogs, great catchdogs.....sells them to folks down south for hog hunting.......its awesome with dogs...and Buckee, if you have never seen it, its amazing, the dog grabs the hog by an ear, and with a protective leather vest on the dog to prevent its neck to get cut by the hog, the dog holds the pig as long as he can.....its awesome hunting....dogs get hurt, but if they learn quick, they avoid tusks quick...kinda like us in

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Re: yesterdays hunt

thanks y'all......i just had to share it.

it is some tough hunting for sure....i'm recovering and making sausage today....

it was a knife just like the kbar, i believe that is the military knife, it was every bit 10-12 inches, both sides razor sharp,wasnt like it was a pocket knife, was something my sister had a chance to do a couple of years ago and her excitement just made me want to do it,at least once... i tried last week on another hog that was itty bitty, and i couldn't do it, i admit i was scared, but that is only because it was so cute and lil and i didnt know where mommy was...i had time to think before i got to it, time to think before i got to this one, even if i did, it had to be taken out before it got one of the dogs, i'd rather carry a hog out of the woods than a wounded or dead just do what you have too and you do it quickly....

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Guest chicks_hunt_to

Re: yesterdays hunt

nice hog i hope u have one of his tusks on a necklace they shore do attract attion if u killed that thing with a poket knife u have more balls than i do and i dont have any lol great job

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Guest outdoorgirl

Re: yesterdays hunt

thats some story....your a brave woman....i bet not to many guys could say they killed a hog with a should make a necklace with a tooth...with a story like yours you'll have them all job.

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Re: yesterdays hunt

thanks again y'all for the replys, i'm actually going to get him mounted, seein' he was my first stuck hog and he's a pretty good one at that....kinda sentimental i guess, lol.......but i dont want him looking all mean like most mounts, i 'll have his teeth showin for sure, his one ear is sliced in half from a previous wound, he's got charater , so i want that to show in the mount, i'll let y'all know when he's done and post pics for sure....

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