cut it pretty buck pic


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today is the last day of montana's general rifle season and yesterday i shot my buck finally. i have seen many many bucks way bigger than this one but on the second to last day i was gettin a lil worried i wouldnt find another buck so i took him. The last few days only about 1 out of 50 does still has a buck chasin her or with her so my odds were decreasing rapidly. I got lucky and was just about to leave when i saw this buck still chasin a doe and i put a 500 yard stalk on him and shot him at about 150 yards. He went 2 steps and crashed into the bushes. I shot him with a ruger hawkeye 270 with the hogue overmolded stock, burris 3-9x tactical scope and 130gr. federal fusions.


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well guys i just took my lil bro out for the last evening hunt for a doe since he was the only one with a tag left. We couldnt see any deer out in the stuble field from the highway so we parked in another place and walked in where i have been goin all week. We could see deer coming out into the stuble field so we changed plans and put a stalk on them. We got to within 170 yards and found a big mature doe for him. While we were waiting for a good shot on her i looked around at the other deer. Just my luck one deer lifted his head and it was the monster buck that i had seen last tuesday. Now this buck is probably 21 or 22 inches wide with at least 10 inch G-3s and at least 10 points. I bet he could have scored at least 150. but neither of us had a buck tag so we jsut had to watch him. finally his doe gave him a clear shot and he made a perfect shot with my 270. she ran 30 yards and piled up. after we gutted her i walked back to get the truck and my lil bro started dragging her. now he is 13 and likes to think he is rough and tough so he eventually tried to carry this doe on his shoulders. lol. when i drove up to him wit the deer he looked like he had taken a bath in blood. his pants were pure red and his coat was coverd too. what a dork. lol but this was his first doe and i somewhat got it on video. he didnt tell me when he was shooting so when he shot it made me jump and lose her. but we got enough of the hunt to make it exciting. when i figure out how to down load pics off my video camera ill put them on here

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