I Am Still Alive...Check Out My Hockey Tattoo I got


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Hello Fellow members. It's been a while since I have been on here. I got on chat the other night but had to hurry up and get off right away because my wife actually got done in time to leave:D. Anyway, the Marine Corps has me pretty busy. I was in the Philippines last month when my wife went into labor but I got to fly home just in time to see our new edition born. I now have my own fire team of boys, lol. I am deploying to Korea in Feb-Mar and then to Austraila in Jun-July then back to the Philippines. Busy year for me and there may be another trip to Thailand again. I am also taking college courses so I dont have the time to get in here like I used to but I miss coming in here everyday and I will try and get in here more.

ANYWAY, I got some more tattoos. I KNOW that some of you disapprove of tattoos and I really don't care...this thread is not for you to say I was dumb or something like that for getting more tattoos. Meaning, don't ruin my thread because you don't like tattoos:D. For those of you who have tattoos or who like tattoos, you should enjoy these pics and tell me what you think of my hockey one. I think the hockey one is pretty cool.

I just got this hockey tattoo this afternoon during my lunch break:D


Seeing how we had another boy, I had to add his name on my back too:D


This here is our new precious baby boy, his name is "Colson Montgomery Miller"...cute little guy "eh"


This is a picture of us over here in Okinawa. We are standing at the most northern part of the island where the Pacific Ocean and East China Sea come together. It was actually cool that day. Typically the weather doesn't turn cool here until February-May.


Edited by TreeStandBowHunter
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Great looking family you have Mike.

Too bad you have to be in the pic to mess it up.:p(joking).

Awesome pictures and the youngster looks like he will be a good one.

Since you asked.The hockey tatoo isn't too bad. For me bood on the tip of the stick would have been cool.

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Nice tats man. Did you come up with the hockey one yourself?

No, I pulled it off the internet. I was looking for hockey tattoos and that one stuck out like a sore thumb when I found it. The lady did a real nice job. Makes me want to get some more but they hurt man:D...I like to get them but while I am getting it, I wish I wasn't sitting in that chair. Next week I get my dragons that will take up the rest of my back and that will take 4 hours to get done. Needless to say I am drinking some beer after that one. That will be my last tattoo then...getting to old for the pain, lol.

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Hey Mike! Nice tat and pics! The Bears are playing well this year! We have several games this year we are going to! ;)

Hey John, good to hear from you. My Father said that the Bears were doing great this year so that's good. Everytime I get home in the winter I always get to a game or two but being over here in Okinawa, I don't think I'll make it to any of this years games:D

Thanks on the tatt compliments. All my tats are under my shirt so when I get a job some day, they'll never know;). If it wasn't for having to get a job someday after I retire from the Marine Corps, I would have them all over my arms too. Later fellers...

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