Oklahoma Success


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Here's the stories for my '08 Oklahoma deer season

Doe Story: Not much to tell actually. Sat in what I thought would be a honey hole Sat, nothing, nada zilch. Had a feeder in both places, had seen deer in these areas before, one is where my stand was stolen from. Saw nothing. Decided to go to my other stand location, had sat in it twice, and seen deer once, far better odds than my other place. Right at dark I heard a twig snap off to my left and catch movement. Grabbed the rifle, put it up, and out she steps. No horns but one heckuva head on her, she steps into the crosshairs, and BOOOM, she takes about 3 steps, falls over grave yard dead. Needless to say I am pumped, this is the first deer I have seen to take a shot at all year. Cliumbed down, went and got the four wheeler, pulled right up to her, and then the work began, I didn't realize she was gonna be so dang hard to load!!!! And make that three times, as she fell off twice. I now have a rope on there, lol!!! SHe dressed out at 95lbs. Old doe to.

Buck Story: Hunted t5he stand I killed my doe out of Tue morning, and went for a little walk when I got down. Walked about 150yds to the north, and then went west, and found a big deep draw, and a good rub on it. Went back in there and sat on the west side of the draw where I could see both sides. About 5 I had a deer come from the east and drop down into the bottom, mill around for a little while, and then leave out, never saw what it was. About dark AGAIN, I hear a deer walking in from behind me, after what seems like forever, I finally see it, and can tell it is a buck. I was sitting facing the west, and this deer is at 55yds or so and to my south. Had to shuffle around so as to get turned so I can get my rifle up to take a shot. I finally get turned, pick hijm out, settle the crosshairs on his shoulder, and BOOOM!!!! He runs and proceeds to die right in the bottom of that draw. Luckily I was able to take my four wheeler down into the bottom of it, load him up and drive up outta there, but I was worried it wouldn't make it, but it did. Here is the only pic I have of him, I'm pissed I didn't get anymore that this one.



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