Dog Huntin'


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Any of ya'll dog hunt? If so, what breed of dogs do ya'll run? I have still/stand hunted for 13 years and just started getting in to dog hunting because I recently moved to eastern NC and was curious how many of ya'll dog hunted. Stand hunting has brought much success, just looking to broaden my horizons.

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Re: Dog Huntin\'

Thanks for the responses. Dog hunting is big here and very respected, more of a way of life. I use to be totally against it. But I tried it once and found that there is a great deal of sport and fun in it. Stand hunting is still the best but dog hunting is a lot of fun.

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Re: Dog Huntin\'

Not legal here in TN either. I will say though that around here we do occasionally have problems with coon hunters and rabbit hunters who lose their dogs that are not supposed to chase deer, but they do. Have had them end up on our property following their dogs DURING DEER SEASON too many times to count. Let me tell you that can get very frustrating!

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Re: Dog Huntin\'

Hunting with dogs is how I was raised as a kid. That's what's mostly done here in central VA. It wasn't until I started bow hunting when I was 17 that I started to enjoy hunting without dogs. One of my clubs uses mostly Beagles but my other club has Walker hounds. The big dogs really run the deer hard and the Beagles just push them along. Depends on what kind of land your hunting as to which is best.


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Re: Dog Huntin\'

I believe anyone who is against hunting deer with dogs...prob. never tried it, maybe you did, but would bet most haven't.

Its not legal in PA to do so and I have never tried it, but have had friends who went to VA to try it. Said it wasn't something they loved...but gained a different respect for that type of hunting.

I have nothing against it if its legal where your at. Folks hunt Rabbits, Squirrels, Grouse, Ringnecks, Quail, Bears, etc....the list goes on and on. Why not deer?

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Re: Dog Huntin\'

Just for the record snapper I don't care for hunting deer with dogs at all. I tried it during my college years and just didn't care for it.

It is still legal here and I really don't have a problem with it as long as the hunters that choose to hunt that way do it ethically and try to keep them off our property. We have one ethical group of dog hunters that borders our property to the north and another group of scumbags that borders us to the west that run dogs. The scumbags have been known in the past to line up along our line and run their dogs through our property. Ever been in a treestand when a line of guys is shooting into your property where their dogs are running? I have! They have no idea and don't care what's beyond that running target they are shooting at from ground level.

To answer snapper's question "Why not deer? Because of the unethical scumbags that ignore other hunters property rights. Eventually they will ruin it for the ethical dog hunters. Yep there are unethical still hunters out there too but the unethical dog hunters sure seem to make a much greater impact when it comes to abusing someone else's property rights around here.

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Re: Dog Huntin\'


Ever been in a treestand when a line of guys is shooting into your property where their dogs are running? I have!

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No can't say that I have, that would be scary and fustrating. However, if it did happen to me...I'd be contacting the authorites. If they shot something on my ground, that would be poaching and tresspassing.

Like I said, I've never done that type of hunting (not legal here). But, ethics and running dogs (where legal) for deer are two different issues. Those same "hunters" you refer to would do the same thing even if hunting with dogs were illegal in your state. They'd just drive the deer with other hunters the same way.

Unethical "hunters" give all hunters a bad name...sure is a shame!

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Re: Dog Huntin\'


To answer snapper's question "Why not deer? Because of the unethical scumbags that ignore other hunters property rights. Eventually they will ruin it for the ethical dog hunters. Yep there are unethical still hunters out there too but the unethical dog hunters sure seem to make a much greater impact when it comes to abusing someone else's property rights around here.

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That is exactly right. I hunted 140 acers for the last two years that has been completely ruined by dog hunting poachers. I have had them point thier guns in my direction befor, and it's not a good feeling. As far as being prosicuted. One of them told a game warden "I've already killed 42 deer this year, and you can't do anything about it. Cause' you'll never catch me"

There aren't enough people to properly police them. If anyone does it legally or ethically, I applaud them. But I personally have never seen it done.

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Re: Dog Huntin\'

These are terrible stories. There are idiots like that everywhere, but dog hunting in its pure form is very ethical and sporty. "Real" dog hunters are just as much against poaching and illegal/unethical killing of deer as any of ya'll. If done right and ethically, dog hunting doesn't ruin anything. The killers (poachers) that mistakenly call themselves hunters, ruin everything.

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Re: Dog Huntin\'


To answer snapper's question "Why not deer? Because of the unethical scumbags that ignore other hunters property rights. Eventually they will ruin it for the ethical dog hunters. Yep there are unethical still hunters out there too but the unethical dog hunters sure seem to make a much greater impact when it comes to abusing someone else's property rights around here.

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I used to coon hunt quite a bit, its real hard to get a dog back thats on the trail of something, they will run it untill they tree or lose the trail no matter whos property lines they cross.They dont know better and theyre just doing what they were born to do.Since deer wont go up a tree like a coon I can understand where the dogs would go across a lotta ground and wind up where they shouldnt be.

On the other hand we got guys here who walk the road ditches pheasant hunting and send thier dogs across the fence to flush birds off the private properties.its not legal but technicaly thier not tresspassing and its hard to prosecute.

Personally Id like to try it once, but theres a difference between a dog doing its job and people intentionally turning them lose to go across posted property.It would be frustrating either way Im sure, but theres a difference between being unethical and having a misuderstanding where dogs are concerned.

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Re: Dog Huntin\'

I'm gonna jump in here, and give my opinion on this. I did ALOT of dog hunting in Florida while growing up, and down there you have 2 kinds of hunters. You have those that "study" a track to see whether it is a buck or doe, then you have those that just dump their dogs out to run whatever. Now I hunted with the "studiers", and let me tell you something, these guys were seriuos. Before the dogs were even put on a track, the others in the group would position themselves around the block of woods the deer went into, to try and cut the deer off BEFORE going onto private land, or crossing a road, etc. The group I hunted with, many of the guys there could tell you who's dog, and which one, was in the lead, trailing, or whatever, that's how much they were around the dogs. If they saw it was a doe they were chasing, or a bear, all efforts were made to pull the dogs off as soon as possible. Guess my point is please don't classify all dog hunters as poachers, trespassers, and such. And if you ever get a chance to ride along on a dog deer hunt, try it, you just might like it. tHERE IS NOTHING LIKE THE SOUND OF A GOOD RACE TO GET YOU'RE HEART PUMPING, ESPECIALLY IF they are coming you're way!!!!!!! OOPS, musta hit my cap lock back there wink.gif

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Re: Dog Huntin\'

Yea man, I'm from Ontario Canada and we use dogs every single year on our week long party hunt. We use Walker Hounds(just a little too fast to be running) and beagles(the older, the better in my eyes, they push nyce and slow). We do about three runs in a morning, go to lunch then go out to stands every night. Most deer are shot on stand, but its like a 60% - 40% chance for stand - running. We never have problems with our dogs on other peoples land because we have RADIO COLLARS. if we find dogs on our land, we get them and bring them back to the camp we know they are from. There is no reason to get angry over dog being on your property, it DOESN't mean someones hunting private property and if people don't like that dog ruining their hunts, PLUG IT, and stop complaining.

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