My 7mm T&R mag roared


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Well today was the first day of PA's gun season. Now Dad and I decided to stay around home to hunt this year as my big sis and her family are here to visit so he and I decided to go up on the ridge behind our houses. Just as he and I were walking to our spots we jumped a few turkeys off roost (right then I knew it was going to be a great day).

I walked to my spot and got all ready.... just after daylight I spotted 2 turkeys walking to my right and doing a little calling (I just love that). Well I sat in that spot till about 8:45 or so and I look down the bank and I see this yote coming right at me ( blushing.gif I can't tell you what I was doing)but it spotted me and as I flicked off the safe it took off to fast and no shot.

Now it wasn't 30 seconds later and here comes a deer. I bring up the rifle and it has head gear. It was a spike so I had to let it go. As I was sitting there I spot a hunter walking from the direction the deer and yote came from. He walked around me and up behind me. It wasn't 15 min later I hear PA shoot and I looked to my left not 40 yards away and there stands 3 more deer. I throw the mag up and all 3 have horns, now I can't tell how many horns they have but I knew there was a small buck in the group (here in PA they have to have 3 to one side to be legal) and I just couldn't tell. PA shot again and the 2 smaller ones took off and down over the bank they went, now the biggest buck of the group just stood there on top of the hill but I didn't get a shot, all of a sudden he takes off after the others (BUT) here is where he made the ultimate misstake, he stoped not 75 yards away to get a good look at me and now I have a great shot at his front shoulder BOOM. He expired right there.


Now I go over to where Pop was on post and said hey I got him so we walk down and there he is. As we were looking at him I look to my left and here comes the guy I saw earlier down in front of me (he is a relative of mine) and he is the one that jumped all of the bucks I had seen today. (4 in all)... Now after we all talked and I got him field dressed PA says I see something and here comes another yote, same direction as the first, He pules up and shoots, I think he hit it but not good enough to kill it but that's the way it goes. We finally got the deer back to the truck after hours of tugging and hunting, but this buck is to the date by far the BIGGEST and I got to share the whole day with Dad and there is why I do this. After we got home I asked pop when he shot his big 9 and we looked and we think it was in 1968, with his dad not 200 yards from where I got this one. How about 2 big bucks in 40 years with our fathers. PRICELESS. Once again thank you Dad for another great year. I love you man. LOL

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Guest MIC65Frit
Now after we all talked and I got him field dressed PA says I see something and here comes another yote, same direction as the first, He pules up and shoots, I think he hit it but not good enough to kill it but that's the way it goes.


First I have to say congrats on a beautiful deer...for sure a wall hanger and for sure the memories that you have created with your father are 'priceless' and you will cherish them for the rest of your that point KUDOS! :)

IDK if you have kids or not but when they are ready to hunt remember those memories with your sprouts...(girls too!) {My daughter is one of the best shots I've ever seen, then again her eyesight is better than mine, lol} Just keep the the sport alive and as the "NUGE" says...

"Hunt with your kids not for them"

Now to what I singled out on your isn't 'major' and maybe it was just your choice of words...but to say ...

" think he hit it but not good enough to kill it but that's the way it goes" I have to take issue with that line of thinking...if you can't make a clean humane kill; the shot should have never have been taken. To make that quote on a public forum like this, what if and I say "if" some "anti hunter group" gets a hold of that little bit of ammo(pardon the pun) they will go to town with it and use it against us in the world of public opinion...they (liberals and anti hunter groups) monitor this type of stuff, as Rush and Hannity say on their shows...the "left" pays people to monitor their shows to use their words against them all the time.

I'm not trying to be a wet blanket you your success and your hunting prowless...dude you got a 'honey hole' and guard that location with your life. Just be mindful that there are groups of people that would love to TRY to take our RIGHT TO HUNT away from us...."cause deer are soooo cute and helpless", believe me friend I'm really on yourside your hunting story was awesome...I could almost smell the woods and I had your story unfolding in my mind was awesome...a story for the ages! Please just choose your words and actions carefully...Kind of like the CEO's from Ford, GM and Chrysler going to DC in all their private jets crying that they are broke with their hands out, (not very good for PR).

Amazing Story! Great Deer!

I'm just saying...OH YEAH...Congrats to the both of you!


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Yep we had a great day on the opener. I did get the yote as we found it today. Around here yotes are very much considered varmints to the point of vermin. This particular one was a mercy killing anyway. It had mange so bad that it had no hair on it's back legs and most likely would have frozen to death this winter. Yes I should have followed up the shot better but was pressed to get the buck out of the woods which was a real struggle. I am now a bonafied coyote wacker. So if your tail is long and bushy look out I am a watching for you. Lol

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