stuck sabot

Guest smokebore

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Guest smokebore

Help! I've got a sabot stuck in my muzzleloader and can't seem to extract it. Any suggestions? I got the bullet out, just can't seem to get the sabot.

Edited by smokebore
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If your gun is an inline just pull the breech plug dump the powder then use your ramrod to push it out. If you are using a sidelock gun you'll have to pick one of the bullet pullers that looks like a screw that's attached to your ramrod. I believe Cabela's has them.;jsessionid=G0BO0YATIEI4FLAQBBISCOVMCAEFEIWE?id=0063565216678a&type=product&cmCat=froogle&cm_ven=data_feed&cm_cat=froogle&cm_pla=0390213&cm_ite=0063565216678a&_requestid=6829

The second item from the left.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Had a stuck sabot in mine one time, pulled the bullet out and couldn't get the sabot. Sabot was only in the barrel until I could insert the primer, point it toward the sky and "BOOM", it was gone. Cleaned (dry brushed and patch), fired another primer after barrel was clear to make sure flash hole had no debris in it, and continued shooting. No problem.

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