Ouch !! but Lucky ..


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Well, after the long awaited wait I finally got my truck back ... You ready for this one ??

1 new (used) posi rear end

2 new backer plates

I opted for new seals all around .. ;)

New rear end grease ( with a second replacement shot after 30 days)

And last but not least 4hrs. of good GM Certified labor.

GRAND TOTAL : ...................... $942.12 ...................

There go's Christmas .. :(:(

I'll count my lucky stars it wasn't more. Because it surely could have been, just with labor alone. And with a little help from a Realtree friend (THANKS Kathleen), Prayer and some patience on my part the Chevy is back up and running strong once again ... :cool::cool::)

Now I get to go Muzzel Loader hunting this weekend and hopefully drop a doe for good measure ... I will be donating this meat to a shelter for the holidays .. So pray that I tag one.. ;)

And Happy Holidays, and if you don't think they are, just look to your left and then to your right if you have family members and loved ones on each side you already have the riches of the rich ... ;):)

And to all of those that helped me out this year THANK-YOU ,, it definitely doesn't ever go unappreciated. Lord knows it's been a very tough year for Tammy and I .. :(

Thanks for the ear folks ,,,;)

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The LukeMobile is on the road again!!!!!!!!!!:D

Be Askeert:p

Glad that nothing happened while you were driving it that could have been so much worse and a thousand times or more costly!

Misunderstood Blessings still does'nt change the fact that they were BLESSINGS brother...Tough times really would have been if someone got hurt or killed when that rear-end on your truck went out! You would have been dancing for Joy to have paid any amount to prevent that from happening;)

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Glad you got it back on the road Luke, sorry about the bad timing and taking away your money you could have spent on Christmas.

Then again Christmas is about the joy of being with family and friends and not so much in material things.

Take care my friend and glad to see the truck back on the roads. Best of luck with the smoke pole too!

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glad you're up & running again. go get that doe, and make some hungry folks happy. if you can hit it, that is.... lol


Hey do you need any money for Christmas, if so give me a pm. I can help you out!


Thanks, but hopefully I'm done for the year .. :eek:

You got off lucky Luke. I just blew my rear-end a couple weeks back, and also needed a break job, badly, along with a new exhaust system. My bill came to $2,900 :eek: Thank God for credit cards, in a pinch :rolleyes:

I got off real lucky Steve, a friend of mine owns his own shop and he's even GM Certified (he just retired from a dealership) so my labor rate was half, what it could have been..;)

Tammy and I have one credit card, and we made sure it had a low limit ,,, 2500.00 I believe ..;)

The truck seems to be fine now, had I hope yours is also .. :)

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